Chapter 1

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     Rue was already having a bad day when they arrived. He was walking home after picking up his sister wearing the same things that he always wore. He had his same snow jacket but it was thin, the layers seemed to be ripped off or missing-feature that he got on his birthday- and a purple scarf with two white strips at the end. He had short black gloves made out of leather, he had normal black eyes with hints of purple, and of course his black and white skin. He looked like a cow. He was born black but due to Vitiligo his skin started to change. It didn't affect his day to day life but made bullying hell. The only thing that could make it better and make it seem like he wasn't born from a black and white television show was his lotion. And today of all days he had to forget it. Which is why he got so pist when his scarf got stolen. He was there on the sidewalk looking at them from behind as one of them turned around sticking out his tongue thundering down the road with their scooters. (Reference on how he looks in the Wikipedia/author notes style)

"You shouldn't have weared a scarf in ninety degrees!" the boy yelled behind him as he continued to scooter off.

Rue bit back his rage but it took over. He waited until they were half a mile ahead of him as he bent down looking at his ten year old sister Amara.

"You going to catch them?" Amara asked.

"I'm going to catch them "Rue agreed as he rushed forward.

He ran past the bend looking for them to see that they were going towards the hotel. He looked at the alley way seeing that he was near two buildings he wall jumped getting on top of the buildings and started chasing them down. Jumping from building to building barley being able to make the jump. He pumped his legs as sweat dripped down his forehead he tugged on his gloves when he saw that he was farther then the squad was. He craned his neck as he saw that the boy was still clutching the scarf in his hands. Rue smiled a devilish grin as he fully pulls on his gloves and scales down the wall. Getting in front of the group as he barricades the opening. He watched as horror crossed their faces.

"Listen" Rue started to say "fool me once that's on me. Fool me twice that's on you. Fool me three times you don't wanna find out."

They looked at each other with a weird look.

"What in the world are you talking about?" the boy rambled as he looked at him with a weird expression. "You really think were going to listen to a twelve year old boy? We could beat you in a heart beat. Better yet" the boy said as he looked towards the rest of them. "how about we do that?"

They rushed at him sending a few punches and kicks trying to corner him as one of them chucks a scooter towards him trying to catch him off guard but it didn't work. Rue jumps on the wall back flipping off of it as he starts to speak again.

"Fool me three times,." Rue said trying to think of something as he just turns around after landing on his feet. "I'm a punch you in your face."

And with one swing he knocks one of them out falling on the floor. And that opened the floodgates. They all rushed him twenty of them and he starts to doge out of the hits but they nicked him a few time. One of them punches him sending Rue back but he blocks it a smile appeared on his face as three of them tried to hit him but he doges out of one of their kicks landing on their foot as they let out a scream. Another one of them tried to grab him which he did but only for a few seconds as Rue wiggled out of his grip. And the last one goes for a left hook but Rue grabs the punch and pulls him forward head butting him sending him back and as he held his head Rue took away the scarf griping it as he looked at it. He made sure that he didn't break even a thread of it as he pulled the scarf away. He turns around as he starts to look at it. He lets out a sigh as he saw that nothing was fried or broken. He touches his lips as he saw that blood was dripping from it and that his nose was also bleeding. He heard a loud clanging noise as he turns around to see a kid. He had ghost pale skin with short curly white hair with green eyes and a scar running along the right side of his face. From the tips of his hair to his lips. Maybe it was from the bat? (Reference picture in author Wikipedia)

"Kid are you okay?" Rue questioned as he ran forward tightening his scarf around him as he sees the boy having a metal bat cracked on his skull.

He ran forward prepared to catch him if he were to pass out but he didn't he just stood their having a big goofy grin as he reeled back. Slamming his fist into the boys stomach knocking him out.

"Who are you?" Rue asked as he looks him over. "Respect." was the only thing Rue could say as he looks him over saying "You should go to the hospital you might have internal bleeding."

"Nah I'm fine." the boy said still smiling. "I'm Greyson Rodrigaz what's your name?"

Rue didn't respond but decides to pick up the scooter next to him and a couple more as he just left the rest to rust. He gestured to Greyson to follow him.

"Where we going?" Greyson asked.

"Just come with me" Rue replied as he continues to walk forward.

"Whys that scarf important to you?" Greyson asked.

"You followed me" Rue interrupted as he glances behind him.

"Yes I followed you" Greyson answered as he asks again. "why is that scarf important to you?"

"It was from a friend. He taught me some stuff and he moved away. Ok do you have all of your answers?" Rue wondered as he picked up his pace.

"Were'd you learn to fight like that?" Greyson continued.

"My friend. Are -pause- you -pause- done -pause- yet-" Rue muttered through gritted teeth.

"Where are we going?" Greyson babbled.

"Again with the questions!" Rue bellowed as he continues to walk.

This continues the entire walk as Rue thinks if it wasn't for the fact that he felt guilty he wouldn't be doing this. They finally arrived at the hospital as they waited at the desk until Greyson could get checked up. And shockingly Greyson was fine and so Rue just walked away running towards his house thinking

"Shit,shit,shit, If I'm late Mom's gonna kill me."

With Greyson yelling for him to meet him up at the abandoned building near the forest of wane. With Rue thinking. Maybe he'll take up that offer.

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