Chapter 4

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Rue thought it was a rhino. It had the same shape and the same form, but at the same time it was different. It had the same jagged horn but it glistened like rocks. It had the same smooth gray skin but more hard and rocky. Him noticing this was the combination of overthinking-his specialty- and pain. The pain was getting hit by the rhino full force. He tried to get out of the way but the rhino barley hit him and set him flat on the ground. It felt like a bomb to his chest. It spread quickly the pain like a weed in his stomach, and he begged for someone to take it out. He stood up but just doing so was an effort. His mind was hazy and as he looked down to his shirt, it was shredded and thick red blood traveled down it. What would happen if he got hit head on was his next thought, but it hit him, he looked around to see where the rhino was now. He could just see an outline of it still chasing Greyson. Dust trailed in his wake he could see out of the corner of his eyes that the kids that Greyson talked about where in the forest, probably scared out of their minds.

"I'm going to kill him." Rue mumbled under his breath.

He was gaining on them. The outline was starting to become more than that, he was starting to make out features, like Greysons white hair piercing the darkness like a sword, it was the only thing that felt out of place, and the rhino charging after him. Rue got close enough to jump. He counted in his head, he knew that if he jumped at the wrong time he could vary much be trampled. One, two, three, he leaped, the wind blasting in his face as he landed on the creature. It was bigger then normal and its skin was this obsidian color. He tried to knock his brain out of it. He couldn't think. Adrenaline filled his body so much that the next thing surprised him. He ran forward on the creatures back, tightening his grip around its head piece and pulled. With a thundering boom he collide the rhino with a nearby mountain. Chunks of rock started to fall, getting dangerously close to hitting him and the rhino. Maybe it was foolish but he didn't want the rhino being hit, and not being hit either would be a plus. He would only question this days later, but it seemed to be a figure cloaked in darkness passing him his sword, he imagined it was Greyson but he said it wasn't, that it couldn't. He gripped it tightly, so hard he might have started bleeding if he wasn't already. He blocked the rocks but it wasn't working. The buzzing in his ears happened again. But this time it was two times louder. Thoughts that he probably shouldn't even think about was circling in his head. Thoughts like pizza, cheese, trying not to die, and the massive crap he was going to take after this entire mess. He didn't know how or when but he using only a blunt sword seemed to block a boulder. It weighed on his arms resting on it. His knees wanted him to buckle begged him too but he continued to struggle battling with his own nature and what he wanted to do. He started to stand from his crouching position, slowly, he strained against the weight as he almost feel backwards multiple times, he struggled and continued to push, trying to lift it up. But eventually he did. He pushed it off of him. It rolled but eventually cracked open when it hit the asphalt. He almost collapsed from the pressure but managed to support himself on the rhino. He saw that the half of the rocks got deflected by someone else. He realized that while he focused on the big boulder Greyson hit the smaller ones away. Greyson pounded towards him, checking over him to see if Rue was ok. He mumbled something-probably a sorry- but Rue couldn't hear anything he said. He just replied with

"Your so dead."

And after that he was falling in and out of conscious. Rue remembered that he was getting carried inside a house. He was wrapped with bandages and 911 was being called. He could hear someone telling him deep breaths but he didn't care to listen. He got up trying to see the damage but he couldn't figure it out with the clouds in his head blocking him from thinking, period. He managed to keep himself awake so that he could feel them carrying him to the hospitable.

"Please be ok, please be ok" was the only thing Rue could hear Greyson was muttering. Rue locked eyes with him


They applied anesthesia for the pain but He didn't mind it. The world was gaining new colors as he was whisked away to the doctors.


Rain pounded the dirt, a symphony of drums as a single snap was heard. Rue was still struggling with the boulder but we seemed to be in the prospective of someone else. A black trench coat is the only thing we get to see left behind, as the person face was hidden. A photo drops from the camera falling down. A picture of Rue holding the boulder is the only thing left behind in the wet muddy dirt. The person continues walking as they arrive at a building office. Pictures are draped on the walls as news papers were scattered across the floor. We have the person slam open the door, as it seemed to be weathered chipped pieces of the same door laid in a broken heap at the floor. A title was put on the desk. Ixchel Darwin, as the person sat down, thunder booming in the background as a smile spread across their face.

"Show me your secrets little one."

As she places each and every picture of Rue down. 

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