Chapter 6

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We start off in a dark room. Everything is disorganized and messy. Papers are on the floor,skeletons lay on the floor, and a singular man sits up top a throne smiling. He breathes in a big breath as he takes out a dagger smiling in his reflection. A surge of energy courses through the room knocking the man back before he gets up a smile on his face as he menacingly says "The hunt is back on."

Ixchel seems to dig through the dirt throwing it to the side as she rapidly picks it up and throws it behind her back. We get a close up on her face before zooming out to see that she was in a graveyard. We see her finally hit the coffin as she throws it away with one hand breaking it but we don't know if there was anyone inside, but a sicking thud could be heard. We completely zoomed into the dirt to see that there was a sword laid there. She picks it up and for a split second seems to change into something different but then back into a human. She takes out the picture of Rue as a blast of energy surges through the graveyard as she knows he's awakened.

The surge courses through the forest itself as we go farther into it to see monsters of all shapes sizes and colors different in every way possible. They all seem to bend shake and break as they all move in rapid unsteady movements. We zoom even past that to see a temple which seems to be old and rusted. A crown lays on the ground as we focus on the statue. It's eyes light a blue blaze saying "I'm back."

We see a scene were there are multiple eyes glowing in the darkness some saying "the master is back" or greedily twirling a crown in their hands wanting power. The same thing is on their faces we need to get to the source of that energy because that power is back he is back and everyone wants it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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