Chapter 2

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My eyes fluttered open, Emmy was sitting beside the bed I was resting on, tears in her eyes. She was holding one of hands and she was sniffling. Her eyes were closed, so she didn't see me wake up. "Was there a funeral I missed or something?" I croaked. Her eyes flew open, and her frown turned into a smile. She jumped onto me and embraced me. "I'm so sorry Allie!" Emmy quickly said. "My dad's body guard thought you were a kidnapper!" Emmy hastily explained. I chuckled at how silly it was. "Allie! You need to come with me! My dad wants to meet you!" Emmy said, yanking my arm. "Ouch, ouch, ow! That still hurts!" I whined. She pulled me up and dragged me out of bed. "Don't be such a baby!" She giggled. I laughed along with her. My head felt like it was spinning as she led me along long fancy corridors, we kept making lefts and rights until we came across a large wooden door, with metal knockers. Emmy came to an abrupt halt, causing me to bump into her. She banged one of the brass knockers, and the door swung open. Behind the door was a large glass window. There was a long desk with a red-cushioned chair, framed with gold. There were shelves and shelves of books as far as the eye could see. Two big men stood behind the door, they shut the door as Emmy and I entered the room. A tall, slim figure was facing the window. They had short, graying hair and they wore a black tuxedo, matching the two men behind the doors. "Hello, father" Emmy said, her voice echoing across the room. Somehow, her tone changed, sounding more mature and content. The tall slim figure turned around. It was a man of course. He had a sort of icy glare to his eyes. I could tell right away, the olive eyes were inherited from Emmy's mother. Because Emmy's dad had distant blue eyes. "Is that the one who saved you Emmy?" Emmy's dad spoke hoarsely, looking me up and down. Judgment in his gaze. "Yes, she saved me from your ex-business partner's goons from beating me up! Her name is Allie" Emmy told him, giving me a little shove. "Hello," I said meekly, giving the man a little wave. "Call me Head SilentProwler" the man said, his eyes locking on mine. In the corner of my eye, I saw the two men behind me block the doors. Sweat ran down my forehead. The atmosphere here totally switched. From serious, to super serious! "Pardon me?" I stuttered, feeling like I crossed a line for doing nothing. "You'll be working for me now, this is a once in a lifetime chance!" Head SilentProwler exclaimed, clasping his hands together. Even though he was all light and happy, it scared me so much how fast he could switch. "E-Excuse me?" I stammered, feeling like he was putting words into my mouth. "Well, you want the money...don't you?" Head Prowler asked. I raised my eyebrow, perplexed. "Obviously I did some research on someone who was within my daughter's proximity for so long," the Head Prowler informed me, walking over to the long desk. He reached at a little cabinet and shuffled through some file papers. Then he finally pulled out this one folder, a red stamp was slapped onto the front. "Allie Nott" it read. The big red letters made me feel uneasy as he opened the file. Thick papers were the contents that were placed inside. He then took the nice pile of papers and threw them at me. They scattered around my feet, floating through the air and to the floor. I felt like my stomach did a flip as I picked up one of the papers. Emmy stood behind me, her hands clasped to her mouth. I felt my mouth tremble, as I read over the paper. It had a picture of me, my name, age, birth date, everything was on there. All about how my mom died 5 years ago, how my dad left us, I lived in a motel, I worked two part time jobs. Everything about me was there. I felt my throat tighten. I finally got myself together, and looked back at Head Prowler. "What am I doing at work now?" I asked, my voice trembling. "You've come to your senses," he walked around the desk and was now in front of me "You have been offered a job at my spy organization" he finished, looking down at me. "The pay will be 150,000 a month, considering these missions will possibly be dangerous" he said. I did the math in my head; 12 months x 150,000 a month would be by the end of my first year I would be rolling in million dollar cash. "Fine," I replied. He outstretched his arm in a handshake, "Welcome to the organization, Agent NightRaven" he said. I put my hand in his outstretched one and shook it. "Glad to be working for you, Head Prowler" I replied, distantly. "Good," he said, letting go of our handshake. "Follow me," he said, as the two men behind us moved away from the door. Head Prowler began leading us out, but then he abruptly turned around. Emmy was tailing behind us. "Emmy, you will go study for your upcoming test" he said to Emmy. "Yes, father" she replied, her eyes were full of disappointment and she looked all pouty. Her arms were crossed as she went the opposite direction we were going. Head prowler led me back down into the main floor, but instead of exiting the building he brought me to a metal door that led to a basement. There was a keypad beside it, and the Head Prowler began clicking away at the digits to enter a code. After he pressed "Enter" the doors slid open, it was almost like an elevator behind the door. The elevator doors closed, and I felt us going deep underground. Once the doors slid open, my eyes were in awe. It was almost like Batman's bat cave! There were so many people bustling around in black leather suits. They had gizmos and gadgets on them. There were multiple platforms with different uses. There was a cafeteria platform, a training grounds, dorms, the inventing lab, and more! "This is where you will be working." The Head Prowler explained, stepping out of the elevator. I quickly followed him. As he was passing the large crowd of people, they stopped what they were doing and nodded their heads at him. "Welcome to the Prowler Organization" He said, outstretching his arms, motioning to all the departments and platforms. "I will get one of the senior agents here to give you a tour, they will help you find a dorm, help you with gadgets, they will also help you attend spy courses so you can become a senior just like them!" He said, turning back towards me. "Who will be my senior?" I asked, scanning through the large crowd of other agents. Head Prowler took out a flip phone and dialed some numbers, then he put the receiver to his ear. "Hello, Agent StarFox, please come to the lobby platform and meet the new recruit," Head Prowler said, turning away again. A few minutes later he snapped his phone shut, as a slim and short figure ran towards us. It was a girl, she was panting. She had a soft and cheery face, she had beautiful blue eyes. "Hello! My name is Agent StarFox and my real name is Daisy!" She exclaimed, shaking my hand vigorously. The Head Prowler looked between us and chuckled, "I'll leave you two, now...I have some work to attend to". I waved at him as his back disappeared in the crowd. I turned back to Daisy who was still beaming at me. "Hello, Agent StarFox, my name is NightRaven and my real name is Allie," I replied, shaking her hand a little too. I quickly let go after. "Well, Agent NightRaven! I love that it is so mysterious and cool! It totally suits you!" She complimented me. Now that I looked closely she was very lovely. She had such short hair, to the point where you could see the back of her neck. She had lilac purple dyed hair, and she had large eyes. She had chubby cheeks, and soft looking eyebrows. She was wearing a full on black bodysuit with a little cute badge with a purple fox stitched onto it. "First, I'm going to bring you to the front desk, where the rookies get checked in and get a suit like mine!" She suddenly piped up, almost as if she saw me looking at the suit. Come to think of it, everyone was staring at me, probably because I didn't have a uniform on. I quickly scurried after Daisy as we went towards a staircase that led to a platform with a little building. It had bright lit letters that said, "THE AGENCY DEPARTMENT". Daisy pushed through its glass doors, it was quite a small building. There was a front desk with a computer, a dozen file cabinets behind it and to the side, there were multiple shelves of books and the agency's uniform. There was a front desk lady, she was about my age, maybe a year older. She had a black ponytail, and she had one of those black-suits on. She had a sharp jawline, a small nose, furrowed eyebrows, and a pair of thin square spectacles. Her face was in a slight frown as she tapped away at the keyboard. Daisy leaned over to my ear and whispered, "This is agent GrayWolf, she isn't as enthusiastic as me," I glanced over at GrayWolf "she is the agency's desk lady, she is super serious just so you know!". Daisy stepped away from me and walked up to the front of the desk, she looked back at me and gave me a wink, plus a thumbs up. "Hey, bestie! I got a recruit here and she needs the signing papers for different jobs, gadgets, proper pay, three of our uniforms, and proper courses, permission for our mini academy, permission to live at one of the dorms, and permission to visit the cafeteria!" Daisy went on and on, she kept losing so many things it made my head spin. Agent GrayWolf stopped typing, and got up from her desk chair. She was tall, and super slim like Daisy. "I see, you finally got the senior job, eh? I thought The Head would wait another 50 years for you to mature" GrayWolf smiled, pushing her glasses a little higher onto her nose. Daisy's eye twitched. "Well I'm so mature now I don't pick fights with old grouches like you!" Daisy said contently, leaning on the desk counter and looking at her nails like the conversation was insignificant. Agent GrayWolf clicked her tongue and began looking through a file cabinet, until she pulled out a bundle of 8 sheets of paper. Agent GrayWolf took out a pen from her pockets and placed it on the counter along with the papers. She finally looked up at me, and pointed at the bottom of each sheet of paper, "Sign your code name and your real name at the signature spots". I nodded and picked up the pen, and I began signing away. I handed back the papers to Agent GrayWolf, and she put it in a different cabinet that was labeled, "AGENT NIGHTRAVEN ''. Daisy gave me a little high five, as GrayWolf walked over to the shelves, and picked out three uniforms, a gadget belt, and a card that looked like a license. There were three different types of the black bodysuit, there was the standard plain version, the pajama type, and the academy version that came with a blouse, a black skirt, and a leather jacket. As GrayWolf handed me my little card she told me, "this card is what lets you identify and have access to all of our programs here, don't lose it". I gave her a reassuring look. Daisy grabbed me by one of my arms, almost causing me to drop my armful of things. I saw Daisy look back at GrayWolf and stick her tongue out at her. I saw GrayWolf shake her head in disapproval. "I'm going to take you to your dorm so that you can change into your bodysuit," Daisy informed me, running up more stairs and leading me to a building the size of a hotel. We pushed through its metal doors. Daisy was able to get me a room on the fourth floor. Then we made our way to the fourth floor and into my dorm room. It was a big room. The room was in two halves. One loft bed, with an empty desk area underneath, along with a dresser. There was a table in the middle of the room, with four chairs so we could invite guests over. "I'll give you some privacy! Oh, yeah the bathing quarters are on the main floor whenever you need to freshen up!" Daisy told me, shutting the door. I placed the academy uniform and the pajama uniform in the empty dresser. Then I undressed and put on my new suit. I felt light and flexible in it. I equipped my gear belt, put on my black boots with grips, along with my black gloves. I felt like an Elastic Girl in the suit. I put my old clothes in my dresser. I then exited the room, feeling pretty cool. "I'm ready for what's next!" I said to Daisy, who was leaning against a wall outside. She gave me a friendly fist-bump as we went to exit the hotel.

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