Chapter 5

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I sat in the classroom for the subject that was about basic survival skills. I heard some of the 1st years from my homeroom whispering and chattering. I heard my name come out of their mouths a few times, but I learned to ignore it. I pulled out one of my textbooks from my bag, it was labeled "Basic Survival Skills for Beginners". Our teacher walked in, and I heard chairs scrape the floor as students scurried to get seated. "Hello, everyone! My name is Ms. Hunter. Please take out your textbooks called 'Basic Survival Skills for Beginners'. Turn to page 2..." The teacher said, as I turned to the page sluggishly. The class was a blur, I remember jotting down notes though. I picked up my stuff, and went to go for my break. Everyone was trying to squeeze through the door, they practically stampeded me, just to exit! Some random girl shoved me, and I tripped and fell face first. My books flew to the floor, my bag spilled all over the ground, in front of someone's feet. I began hurriedly picking up my scattered books. I placed them into my bag, and decided to apologize to the person I nearly bumped into. I stared down at their feet as I said, "I'm deeply sorry for this accident!". A moment's silenced past. I felt awkwardness filling up my face. I got up and brushed off my knees. "Look, if you don't want to accept my apology you could just say no instead of wasting my time-" I looked up at the person's face the moment I said this. It was the red-haired delinquent boy I heard some girls talking about before. Then, my mind clicked. Oh! He was the boy that had the red-hair, orange eyes, and piercings! Though, this red boy with piercings sure didn't look happy. Wait...I saw his eyes flash with fury. Oh shoot, I'm dead meat, I'm dead meat! "I-uh I was joking about what I just said! Bye!" I said hastily, dashing away. I felt myself blushing in embarrassment. I was running until I crashed into Lucas! Duncan's friend. Could my day get any worse! He also looked like he was in a grumpy mood. "Uh, bye! Sorry!" I yelled as I left Lucas in the dust, on his butt and on the floor. Just as I was escaping from the embarrassment, I heard someone charge at me. At the corner of my eye, a short and slim figure pounced me. It was Daisy! I lost my balance and toppled onto the floor. "StarFox! Don't do that!" I groaned, my back now sore. Daisy looked me straight in the eyes, she was blushing furiously, her eyes glimmered. "What was that just now! One. I see you bump into the delinquent boy and you actually have the nerve to talk to him! Two. You bumped into Lucas and left the scene like you were Cinderella!" Daisy exclaimed, shaking my shoulders after I got up. "Are you in a RomCom, or what?! Bumped into two hot guys on the same day!" Daisy said, dreamily. "Uh, no I'm not! It was just two accidents! Nothing more!" I hollered, not realizing how flustered I sounded. "Oooh, you're blushing!" Daisy teased, putting her hands on her hips. "B-Break will end soon, so I'm going to go get a drink to bring to class!" I said, trying to come up with an excuse. I ran over to the nearest vending machine, someone was already there. They looked like they were having trouble choosing what to pick for a drink. It was a boy. He had red hair, the same as...I let out a sharp gasp. They whipped around, and sure enough it was the delinquent! "You!" We both exclaimed. I felt panic rising in my stomach. "Are you stalking me?" He asked, suddenly flinching. "In your dreams! I just came to get a drink, the same as you" I retorted. He turned back to the bright vending machine, and went back to staring at all the options. Suddenly he spoke, "What drink are you planning on getting?". My mind went blank for a split second. Why Is he asking? Maybe for a reference. "Green Tea" I said, looking at him cautiously. He pulled out some coins and inserted them into the coin slot. He pressed a button and a bottle got pushed to the bottom. He pulled out a green tea from the bottom of the vending machine. He turned to look at me. "Hold this for me" he said, placing the bottle in my arms. He went back to the machine and took his spare change. Then, he walked past me. "Wait! You forgot your drink!" I yelled after him. He ignored me, and I decided to run up to him. "Hey! Don't ignore me!" I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. "It's for you. Keep it" He said, turning away hurriedly. I saw his ears redden. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I held the cold green tea in my arms. I rushed back to class, after the bell rang shortly after.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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