Chapter 9: Hobbit Hole

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Techno and I have been walking towards his friend's house for around 5 hours now, and I'm barely holding back the childish urge to ask "Are we there yet?". You would too, if you were wearing heavy netherite armour and carrying tons of supplies, mainly potatoes. We had our horses, but they were also carrying some of our 'essentials' (mainly potatoes). So we were just stuck, walking, for ages. "So, what are these friends like?" I ask, desperate for a distraction other than the countless trees we passed. "They are more like brothers than friends. You disagree with everything they stand for, but help them anyway." Techno said, with the closest thing to a genuine smile I've ever seen. "You have brothers? I didn't know you even had a family." I joked, and rolled his eyes. "What, you thought I'd be an orphan?" he asked, and I nodded. "Like a real life version of batman." I replied, and he gave me a look that said he was deeply offended, and I might be dead by morning. "I hate orphans" he said, ending the conversation. 

2 hours later, still walking. No clue how long until we make it to his 'brothers' house. Hopefully soon, since we left at dawn, and it was the evening now. Finally, we reach a hill, with a door attached to it. "Are your brothers hobbits?" I ask seriously. He snorted. "You tell me." he says, and as we near the hill, a blond teen runs up to us. "Techno! Techno! You came!" he shouted, as I stood frozen in shock. "T-Tommy?" I whisper, and he turns to look at me with a matching expression - like he'd seen a ghost. "Wait, Y/N, is that you?" he asks slowly, and I can only nod in response before he pulls me into a large hug, holding me tightly. "I thought you were dead, dickhead!" he says. Technoblade looks at me with a weird expression. "You know Tommy?" he asks, confused. I laugh awkwardly. "It's a long story." I reply. "Wait, let me get Wilbur!" Tommy yells, and my stomach drops. "Wait, Wilbur's here?" I ask, sour taste in my mouth, and the feeling like I'm going to throw up. But Tommy's already gone. "I should probably go now." I state, backing up. "Why?" Technoblade asks, before I bump into someone behind me, and trip. Just as I'm about to fall, inches before my face hits the ground, someone catches me. I look up, and he looks back at me in shock. "Y/N?" Wilbur whispers. We stare at each other in silence for a few seconds, still in shock, before he wraps me in a large hug as well. Anger surges through me. He doesn't just get to hug me after everything that happened, everything he did. I brush him off me in disgust. "How dare you" I spat, fists clenched. "Drama" Tommy whispers to Techno in a sing-song voice. "Not the time, Tommy," Techno whispers back. "Y/N, I'm sorry I-" he started, but I cut him off with a glare. If looks could kill, he'd be dead a million times over. "You don't get to apologize." I say coldly. "I'm going to do it anyway" he said smiling, and I roll my eyes. Stupid Soot. "Listen, I'm sorry I exiled you..." he said slowly, and I stood there, waiting. "... but I didn't have a choice!" he shouted, and I stare at him, dead in the eyes. "You always have a choice." I say, broken on the inside. "Woah woah woah, back up for a second. Wilbur, you fucking exiled Y/N? You said she ran away!" Tommy said in shock and anger. I turn to him. "You didn't know?" I ask in surprise. "What do you mean 'You didn't know', of course I didn't know, bitch!" Tommy shouted. "I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea what's going on." Techno states, and before any of us could say anything, Tubbo comes running. "Guy's you won't believe what Schlatt just told me. Y/N is ALIVE!" Tubbo shouts, and we all look at each other awkwardly. "Why is everyone silent, and who are you?" Tubbo asked, and I stare. "Hi Tubbo, long time no see." I greet awkwardly, and he stares for a few seconds. "Y/N?" he asks quietly, and I nod slightly. He runs over and wraps me in the biggest hug known to mankind. Why is there so much hugging today? "You're not wearing your mask!" he cried. "Yeah, no shit!" Tommy yelled, and I laughed. "You didn't tell us your dad-" he started, and I stopped him with a loud cough, "- is not important!" I finished, smiling. They didn't need to know my dad was Schlatt, at least not now. They might use that information to betray me again, and I won't make the same mistake twice. "Hey, Tommy, can you fill me in on what we're doing here?" I ask sweetly, completely ignoring the annoyed look Wilbur was giving to me. Tommy shakes his head. "No, no, no, I wanna back up to the part where Wilbur exiled you. Explain." Tommy said, crossing his arms. "Wait, Wilbur exiled Y/N?" Tubbo asked confused. "Yes, Tubbo, keep up." Tommy replied, annoyed. We all turned to Wilbur expectantly. Payback. "Can we do this inside? The longer we sit outside, the more likely Schlatt or Quackity will find us" Technoblade said, and we all agreed, heading into the Hobbit hole. 

 A/N: We got some C!Wilbur content guys! This chapter reminds me of those awkward family reunions... I love it. Next chapter will have more, and I'm sorry, but we won't forgive him yet. He needs to make it up to us for being such a jerk. Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1025 words! :)

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