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Meredith's POV

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Meredith's POV

"Meredith, Clarissa and I encountered Ellis and Richard talking as if they were old lovers. She was talking about him leaving his wife as if it was years ago." Amelia tells me while Clarissa was fast asleep in my arms with her teddy bear, Snowy in her arms. Our dog Doc was laying by my feet, keeping an eye on Clarissa. We got Doc from the shelter yesterday evening because I sensed that Clarissa needed him.

"I always knew that they were extremely close for coworkers and even friends. I appreciate you telling me Mila."

"Mila? I like that coming from you. You deserve to know and even though Clarissa wants to tell you, I could sense her hesitation to do so because she doesn't want you to be upset."Amelia tells me when our pagers go off and I turn up the volume on the television where the news is playing. Clarissa wakes up and rubs her eyes before putting her glasses on and I kissed her forehead. We're still in the hospital because we were waiting for Addison to finish work when Clarissa fell asleep in my arms. Doc was here with us because while we adopted him yesterday we only got him from the shelter earlier this evening.

"A massive train wreck occurred outside of Seattle just minutes ago." The news anchor says when a bunch of doctors including our friends entered the hospital.

"I'll bring Doc to Virginia's office." Amelia says before leaving with Doc and Clarissa pulls me up to my feet. The two of us walked over to our friends and Clarissa grins when Alex hands her the bag of cookies from Annabelle. Several stretchers are brought into the hospital while we grab the yellow gowns from the basket.

"Alex are you okay?" Clarissa asks Alex while we start putting on the yellow gowns. Clarissa was Alex's biggest supporter and was concerned for him after the solo surgery that happened a few days ago. Alex gave her a soft smile before tying her gown up and Clarissa ties my gown up.

"I am getting there sunshine." Alex says, using his nickname for Clarissa.

"All the retard did was plug the hole with her finger." Izzie says and I could see Clarissa's face form into a pout.

"I helped save Pete's life." Clarissa says with tears in her eyes and I hugged her close to me.

"Yes you did Clarissa." Dr. Bailey says, causing us to turn around and see her walking in the room wearing a gorgeous dark green dress. She grabs a yellow gown and Clarissa ties the back for her.

"You look beautiful Dr. Bailey. Just like a queen, but you always look like one every day." Clarissa says with a smile on her face, causing Izzie to scoff.

"Suck up." Izzie says, causing Clarissa to look at me in confusion.

"Stevens is jealous that you are nice just because." Dr. Bailey tells Clarissa with a smile on her face before handing Izzie her jacket and purse.

"Hey you go get me my damn shoes. Let's move people." Dr. Bailey says before Izzie walks away and the rest of us follow Dr. Bailey into the Pit. There are dozens of people bleeding and hurt in there and still coming in.

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