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Meredith's POV

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Meredith's POV

George, Dr. Bailey, Dr. Burke, Virginia and I are in the x-ray observation room. We're looking at the x-rays of two people who are impaled together by a pole. Clarissa enters the room wearing a air cast on her right foot and a baby blue cast on her right arm.

"Is that going straight through her spine?" George asks.

"It is. T8's completely crushed." Dr. Bailey responds before Derek enters the room and Clarissa stiffens up upon seeing him. Virginia looks at Derek and points to the door with a glare on her face.

"Get out Dr. Shepherd. This isn't your case and I don't need a narcissistic bastard like you to interfere." Virginia says before noticing Clarissa and gives her a smile.

"Why is Clarissa here? This isn't her case." Derek says and Clarissa doesn't even pay attention to him, focusing on the x-ray.

"Because I said she could be here. Now out before I tell Richard." Virginia says before Derek storms out of the room.

"Nobody ever told him no." Clarissa mutters and I couldn't help the smile that appears on my face.

"Clearly not."

"How are they still alive?" Clarissa asks referring to the patients.

"Pole's tamponading the wound as far as we can see." Dr. Bailey tells us.

"It's hitting the aorta. And look at him. It's right in line with his inferior vena cava." Dr. Burke says.

"Is there anyway to operate without separating them?" Dr. Burke shakes his head in response.

"Remove the pole and they'll both bleed out." Virginia explains to us when Clarissa takes a closer look at the x-ray.

"What if you do not move the pole? What if you move one of the patients off the poll to get the saw in there? Then you can hold the pole steady in the other one. Move it very slowly and repair the damage as you go. With the woman's aortic injuries, her chances of survival are extremely slim no matter what you do. But if you move her, you have a real shot of saving him." Clarissa says, causing Virginia and Dr. Burke to nod in agreement.

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