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Kristine's P.O.V.

"Have you seen Deena?" I asked one of her team.

"I saw her at lunch but after that, no." He said.

"Thea? Hey. Did you see Deena?" I walked to Thea's station.

"Uhh yeah, she was, she was not feeling well after lunch so she left."

"Did she have a headache or, maybe feel dizzy? What?" It was so not like her.

"Umm, I don't know. You know what, call her, because I really don't know."

I left Thea who looked more confused than me.

I dialed Dee's number, no answer. I called, again, same. Till I reached my office, I was dialing her number repeatedly but she was not answering.

"Something wrong?" Travis asked as soon I was inside.

"I don't know. I mean, Dee called in sick, the second half of the day. It's... strange, she doesn't do that." I continued to dial her number but it was now turned off.

"Dee, are you okay? Call me please." I left a message on her voice mail.

"Well, maybe she is really sick. I'm sure she'll call you back." Travis walked toward me, snaked his arm on my waist, and gave me a peck on the lips.

Everything seems to happen so fast.

One minute we were having lunch, then the next he was telling me liked me and wanted to officially ask me out. And I said yes.

I like him, I must be carried away by the way he talks and smiles at me. He makes me laugh, not the way Deena does but he's the only guy I was comfortable with talking about personal stuff.

And then he kissed me. I kissed him back and forgot that we were in the office.

And now I'm looking for Deena as I promised her that she would be the first to know if anything would happen between me and Travis.

I have been feeling this guilt ever since I said yes to Travis when he asked me out.

I know I shouldn't be but that's what I feel. Also, I told her that I'll tell her immediately when this happens.

A plan made in my head, I will go to her place after work and check on her. I'm worried too, she doesn't call sick unless it is something she cannot bear and get through the day.

The afternoon was busy, since Deena was not here, we had to double work. There was no handover from her on where she is on the project, I know it's only half a day but it is due tomorrow and we need to finish it.

Some errors were made and had to retract it.

It's past 7 in the evening, if it was not for Thea reminding me to go and check on Deena, I wouldn't have gone from the office.

"Can I come? Then after we go for dinner?" Travis asked as he gathered his stuff.

"Umm, I prefer to see her alone, hope that's okay. And also, you need to speak to your uncle, remember? Tell him about us before it gets out and he hears it from somebody else." There was no policy against office romance but it would still be respectful if it was brought to the HR department and in Travis's case, to his uncle.

"Yeah, you're right. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow?" He snaked his arm in my waist and kissed me.

The first time we kissed earlier, it was exciting and sent me the thrill, but now, it was like, something had changed.

Maybe because my mind was constantly thinking of Deena.

And this guilty feeling!

We bid our goodbye and hurried to go to the basement.

Deena's phone was still off and the worries I felt were growing. I have asked also our friends outside the office and no one has heard of her.

I even thought of calling the nearby hospitals to check if she was there but stopped myself.

I drove faster than usual, so eager to see Deena.

But when I reached her place, all the lights were still turned off and her car was not in her garage or not even parked in front of her gate.

Where the hell is she?

I took my phone and dialed her number again.

"Dee, I'm here at your place and you're not, where the hell are you? Call me please, I'm worried."

I don't know how many messages I left her already, but not one was returned.

I left her house with a heavy heart.

It was so not like Deena at all. Leave like that without saying anything? Without handover? Leaving her work unattended?

Whenever she has an emergency or needs to leave work early, there will be someone from her team who knows what needs to be done in her absence. But today, nothing. Nobody even knows where she is.

Well, there might be someone who knows.

Sabrina Hughes.

I have her number as I need to have her number in case of work-related stuff.

I dialed her number as I drove and I couldn't believe myself praying she would answer my call.


Her voice is enough to annoy the hell out of me.

"H-Hello, Sabrina. This is Kristine."

"Kristine who?"

Fucking, fucking, bitch!

"I was wondering if Deena is with you?" I chose to ignore what she said.

"Ohh, that Kristine, okay."

So fucking annoying!

"Is she with you?"

"Uhmm, no, she is not. Bye!" And she hung up the phone.

"Fucking, Fuck you! You fucking slut!" I yelled at my phone like she could hear me.

As soon as I reached my house, I tried Deena's phone again. It's still off.

Deena, where are you?

I couldn't eat as my worries were heightened. Nobody knows where she is, it is if Sabrina is telling the truth.

Should I call her parents? I don't want to worry them but I'm so desperate.

I looked for her Mom's number on my phone and rang it.

"Mrs. Myers?" I said as soon as my call was answered.

"Kristine, is that you?"

"Yes, Mrs. Myers, it's me. Umm, I was just wondering if you heard from Deena today?"

"Oh, yes dear, she called me this afternoon and asked me about her Dad's cabin. Why, did something happen?"

"Ohh, uhh, no, Mrs. Myers. Her phone was just off today and I was a bit worried, that's all." I was relieved knowing she called her Mom and was not dead.

"I'm sure she's fine, dear."

I bid my goodbye but I was still thinking about why her phone was off the whole day and what had happened to her.

I took a long bath and tried to sleep the night.


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