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Kristine's P.O.V.

It's been a week.

A week without Deena in the office.

A week without her in my life.

I haven't heard from her. I have no idea if she is still alive or injured or whatever.

The office hummed with its usual energy, but for me, every passing minute felt like an eternity as I awaited her return from her vacation. Her absence had left a void that even the busiest of days couldn't fill. 

I missed her infectious laughter, her stupid banter, and the comforting presence she brought to the office.

And I need to wait for another week for me to see her and hear her voice.

I miss looking at those captivating grey eyes of hers. Her nose that crinkles whenever she was laughing. Her terrible jokes that somehow make me laugh.

I miss her.

I fucking miss her.

I am happy with Travis. The way he is treating me, he is very respectful, and generous, and he makes me laugh too, everybody in the office loves him because he treats everyone nicely.

But I feel something is still missing. I am happy but deep in my heart I know he was not enough.

He could never fulfill the void I have inside caused by Deena leaving.

I would be laughing one minute then the next I would think of her, wishing she was here to hear that funny story and we could laugh together. 

She is my best friend, should I be feeling this?

Travis is a great guy, but how come he could never make me feel like how Deena is making me feel with just her presence around me?

I slept with him the other night. He was kissing me but all I could think of was the kiss I shared with Deena that night.

How much it affected me. The millions of volts surged in my veins when our lips touched. How it was still affecting me even after days it had already happened.

What is wrong with me?

"Babe, we're on in five minutes." Travis's head was hanging on my door frame.

We have this meeting with a client and I was informed already earlier that they arrived.

I gathered the documents I needed and my laptop and followed Travis to the conference room.

"Are you okay? You seem off." He whispered as we walked the hallway.

"Yeah, just a bit of a headache, but I'm fine." I forced myself to smile.

I never have to force myself to smile whenever I'm around Deena.

Damn, I need her out of my mind even just for a minute!

The meeting took longer than anticipated. I feel more exhausted than I was already feeling earlier.

"Are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to bring you to the clinic?" Worries can be heard in Travis's voice. We are on our way back to my office.

"I'm fine, really. I'll just take an Advil after lunch." I told him.

"Speaking of lunch, My uncle is taking me to meet this investor he was telling me about the other day. I can cancel and let him handle it and I'll stay with you here."

"What? No. Nonsense. I told you, I'll just take an Advil, I should feel better in the next half hour. You go, okay? I'll have lunch with Thea."

Travis pecked me on the lips before leaving.

He's just the sweetest.

I put down all my stuff on my table and head to the pantry. 

I opened the fridge and took out my salad.

"Hey, you look pale, you okay?" Thea touched my neck and forehead with the back of her hand.

I whisked her hand away.

"I'm fine. Just a bit of a headache." I peeled the lid of my food container and sat down. Thea sat beside me.

"I miss her too. Her goofy smile, does she know she looks stupid when she smiles like that?" Thea had her palm on her chin and looked away.

I smiled at that, remembering Deena smiling goofy like. 

"I just wanted to pull the days till she's here. It feels different without her." I must be carried away as I know, I would not say that to Thea as I know the next thing she'd say would be to tease me, but she didn't do that today. She just agreed.

We finished lunch silently.

I wonder what Deena is doing right at this moment. I don't even know if she went out of the country or just to a different state.

She's always been talking about going to Thailand.

She's a big foodie and has been always talking about the street foods in the country, maybe she went there?

I tried not to leave her any messages. I didn't even try to call her as I didn't want to hear her voice on the voicemail.

I think I'd cry once I heard it.

One more week.

One more week and she's here. I'll see her again. I'm sure she'll have a lot of stories about where she went, the people she met, and what she did.

She always told me this stuff even if I was with her traveling and experiencing them with her.

She's that excited about everything new and would tell all of it to me.

I know everything about her. She cannot keep a secret of her own.

So this, whatever she's going through, it's probably bigger than I can think of.

I didn't even have the chance to tell her about Travis before she left. Though I know that she already knows, I still wonder who told her.

She said she'd be okay with that, but I know it will pain her to see me dating anybody else. And thinking about that makes me want to break up with him.

Ever since college, she was never away from me longer than a week. Even on breaks, she would come to my family's home and spend the break there with me. Or in between, we'll fly to hers.

So forgive me if I am overreacting about these two weeks that she's not here.

The whole afternoon gone by with me just thinking of Deena. It's like the previous days.

Oh, Deena. 

One more week to go and you'll be with me.


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