Chapter 12

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Everyone murmured at the changes that were made in the league. Royse could tell they were worried but he could sense that the majority approved of Hugh's decision.

"Then, will Sir Ro be staying here?" One of the members asks.

Royse answered the question and proceeded to clarify everything. "As I am needed by the guild master, I will be dispatched to different places. However, I will be present when it comes to League raids and battles, all except for League Wars. As for the internal affairs, I will have my share but it will mostly fall on Hugh as he is more familiar with the ways of managing a League."

He looked at everyone and asked, "Any further questions?"

"Oh, uhm," The lady stammered. "What about uh, sir Asher...?"

The brunette softly smiled. "Asher will be serving under me and as such, he too will be dispatched to numerous places unless needed by the guild."

Everyone was relieved by the news. All except for the said male's faction who stood at the side and were nervously looking at the brunette. They were aware of the fact that their plan was exposed and was waiting for their boss to awaken and explain the situation to them.

"If that is all, then," Royse notices Vinson on the side who was mouthing some words.

Reading his lips, he turned to Hugh. "I will be in the office. I'll leave the last words to you." He made his way over to the room and closed the door.

Once he was seated on the couch, a heavy sigh escaped his lips. "There's no escaping this."

His original plan was to eliminate the demonic energy without anyone seeing it. And while Vinson approved of him taking Asher, he also knew his decision still ended up staining his relationship with the beast male.

So for him to have a valid reason, he had no choice but to display a hint.

'Vinson's smart so I'm sure he already knows what I'm investigating.'

Royse bit his lips.

He was walking on thin ice.

This hint was more than enough for Vinson to become curious and most likely also start investigating on his own. Aside from the chances of endangering himself, there was also the chance of him finding out Royse's true identity.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself.

When the door closed, he eased his shoulders and wore a passive expression.

The two made their way over to the couch and sat opposite him. Vinson didn't beat around the bush and directly asked the brunette.

"What you eliminated earlier, is that what you're investigating?"

Royse had no choice but to nod. "Yes."

Vinson frowned. He gazed at the table in the middle and carefully thought of his reply. "I'm assuming you won't tell us any more than this." He returns his attention to the brunette.

"You're correct. This case is confidential. I can't risk others getting involved." Royse lowered his head and bowed.

"So please, forget this ever happened."

Hugh slowly nodded. It troubled him to know that the case managed to infect a member of the league but was more worried for the brunette who was taking it himself to investigate the situation.

"As long as you take care of yourself." Hugh softly smiled. "I may have seen how capable you are but please remember that many of us can die not because of a heroic act but by simply a mishap. Like today..." He advised.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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