heyy princess

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As i stepped through the gates of the football stadium, a rush of excitement and anxiety flooded my senses.

The vibrant energy of the crowd 
enveloped me, the cheers and chants echoing off the towering walls.

Which each step I take, I felt the anticipation building, my heart pounding in sync with roar of the crowd. The grass stretched out before me, bathed in the warm glow of the stadium lights.

As I found my seat, I couldn't help but smile, despite the fact that I've been crying for the last couple of days.

Nevertheless, I knew I was about to witness an exhilarating display of athleticism and passion. From the moment on, I was captivated by the magic of the fame, becoming a lifelong fan of the beautiful sport.

My seat was the closest you could get to the players, all thanks to rin. I waited, playing nervously with my hands.

Anxiety rushes all over the body, nearly suffocating me, and my hands are shaky and sweaty. Still, I tried to keep a remaining smile on my face.

The atmosphere was something truly fascinating, and I had the privilege to watch everything so close.

I glup as I remember. I'll also see rin up close to me. I'm shaking my head and trying to get to other thoughts.

As the stadium erupted in cheers, anticipation hung thick in the air. The crowd's energy reached a crescendo as the gates swung open, revealing the players of the game.

The first one that caught my eyes was, of course, Rin. He grew taller. His hair still remained the same. And that jersey suited him. It touched his body, and he looked good, I must admit.

With every step onto the hallowed turf, the players were greeted by a thunderous roar, their names echoing through the stands.

Especially was to be heard the names ,,Itoshi Sae" and ,,Oliver Aiku"

"Oliver Aiku?...Never heard of him..."

Each stride exuded confidence and determination etched into their faces as they soaked in the adulation of the fans.

With every glance towards the stands, they found motivation, knowing they carried the hopes and dreams of thousands on their shoulders.

As they took their positions on the field, the atmosphere crackled with excitement, signaling the start of another epic battle on the gridiron.

I was for Blue Lock, of course.

Another person that caught my attention was sae, he grew so much, since I haven't seen in years I often forget how he looked like.

And I saw the others of Blue Lock, seeing them in flesh and blood for the first time was a rushing experience and I was eager to meet them and hug them.

(Since I suck at writing the game details, I'll spare u)

The first half was over, and it was signaled with a loud whistle. A man touched softly my shoulder, signaling me that I should follow him.

"Probably to the dressing room since Rin ordered them..."

"Oh mein gott, dass wird gleich so unangenehm.." I muttered quietly, looking on the ground trying to find another solution, another reason to go and not face my fear.

[Oh my god, that will be so awkward]

,,Hey Y/n" I heard behind me, I turned around, already knowing who called my name
,,Oh its you, Sae," I said

The security man just stood there still, Sae came closer to me, and I knew he wanted to hug me. Since it would be embarrassing to reject Saes offer in front of a stranger.

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐞 | 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐢𝐜 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora