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12 years later....

Cold. It was so, so cold.

Hadley stood on the porch, looking out over the front yard. A soft snow fell, coating the dying green grass with a fine white powder.

She blinked away tears, leaning against the wooden pillar. Inside she heard the squeal of her five year old daughter, and the laughter from her six year old son. She smiled softly, watching as the familiar black truck drove down the drive, stopping beside the other truck.

Cade stepped out, holding a fresh bouquet of roses and a bag. He quickly walked up the porch, stopping on the stairs in front of her and placing the bag down, removing his black felt hat and putting his hand on the small of her back.

"Hey beautiful, I got you a gift." He grinned, gently pecking her lips and handing her the bouquet.

"They're beautiful, thank you." She spoke, smiling up at him.

"Anything for you, my love." He replied, kissing her cheek before he placed his hat back on his head. "Now if you'd excuse me, our children have missed their father."

He grinned, walking to the door and holding it open for her. She walked inside, him following behind. The kids met them at the door, shouting with glee.

"Daddy!!" They both tackled him, or at least attempted to as he managed to pick them both up while holding the bag, and take them into the living room.

Hadley followed behind, laughing softly as he gently threw Harrison on the couch, and then followed suit with Ava.

"Look what I brought you two." He reached into the bag, pulling out two neatly wrapped boxes.

He handed Harrison a red box, which was small but heavy, according to his dramatic whine. The young boy unwrapped the box, revealing a hunting knife with Harrison's name on it.

"I think you're old enough now to come hunting with dad, uncle and their friends." Cade spoke, smiling at the boy, and sending a wink towards Hadley. She rolled her eyes, laughing softly.

Ava turned to open hers, which was a fairly large box. Inside it was a riding helmet, black leather halter and a blue lead rope.

"You got me a pony?!" She exclaimed, looking at her father.

"No, I got you a foal. You get to raise it as your own horse, and keep your pony." He spoke, grinning.


"Now we both have our own horses!" Harrison spoke happily, admiring the knife.

Ava grabbed her stuff, running to Hadley.

"Mommy look! Dad's the best!"

She grinned at her daughter, who ran over to look at Harrison's knife. She hugged Cade, leaning on his chest.

"We made it."

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