Chapter 19

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Reni hurriedly drank coffee and packed last-minute essentials after her shower.

Emotional and physical exhaustion pummeled her.

Zak arrived not long after to make the five-hour trek to Meknes, the starting location for their horseback riding adventure. The drive to the ranch where the trip began was mostly silent.

They stopped along the way for tea, and once the caffeine hit, Reni realized she was excited for all but one aspect of the trip. "We're going to be staying in tents?"

Zak chuckled. "Glamping. I thought you'd like an adventure. It said vehicle supported. That way you see a little of the coast and the mountains on the same trip. I'm sure you'll have everything your heart desires."

"You'll be there, so that's covered."

"That's exactly why I keep you around. You inflate my ego."

"No, I am the one keeping you around."

"If you say so."

It was after nine in the morning when Zak's car bumped down the pothole-pitted lane. He parked next to a line of other vehicles. Reni pulled off the light sweatshirt she'd donned in the early morning, the heat already oppressive.

The musk of horses and manure hung in the air. A fly buzzed by her ear. They walked the dusty road to the large barn, where they were met by their English-speaking guide Chadi.

He steered them inside to a small office where he handed each a water bottle, helped them sign the release forms, selected horses, stowed their gear in the van, and saddled up.

The three other participants, a husband, wife, and third-wheel brother joining from London, greeted them enthusiastically, so much so that Reni wondered about the fabled British reserve.

Chadi tested each rider's ability to walk, trot, and lope. Satisfied no one would fall off in the first few minutes, he guided them into a line, Reni at the back. With the clomp of horseshoes on the hard-packed dirt, they were riding off to their first destination faster than Reni thought possible.

Chadi turned in his saddle. "Today's ride is about five hours. I hope you're prepared. Some of you who have not ridden a lot lately might be sore tonight, but we'll not take it easy on you today. I hope you're ready for a few good runs."

"The more the better," the woman from the threesome said. Mimicking an equestrian professional, her blonde low-slung ponytail was held tight under a black helmet. Crisp beige riding pants and tall black boots finished the outfit.

Reni felt woefully underdressed and ill-prepared in her jeans, hiking boots, and long-sleeved, rose-hued t-shirt.

Chadi chuckled. "These rides are quite fast-paced, and your Barb and Arabian horses have lots of endurance to make long, fast canters that cover ground quickly."

"What's on tap for today?" The woman's husband prodded his horse forward.

"You never know." Chadi smiled. He still rode half twisted in his saddle to face the small group. "Horseback riding in Morocco is like traveling back to the fabled land of the Arabian Nights. You will see ancient walled cities and labyrinths of cacti. This world has rich plantations, Roman ruins, markets to spend your money in, and towns with elaborate arches and minarets. Tomorrow, you and the horses will be shuttled to the ocean, where you can enjoy long sand gallops."

"Yippie yi yo kayah," yelled the woman's brother.

"I think you're on the wrong trip." Reni couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped.

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