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It had been a bittersweet goodbye when she gave her notice at the school where she worked in the United States., but she made the right choice. Shortly after her move, she'd secured a job at an international high school and loved it.

Better yet, today was her wedding. It was Reni's summer break and a year after her return to Marrakesh. The planning had been hard and coordinating everyone's travel from the United States daunting, but the couple made it happen with the help of Bisma and the rest of Zak's family.

Her parents and friends' planes had all arrived on schedule, Zak's family, cousins and acquaintances had traveled from near and far to celebrate with them. Even some of her fellow teachers and Deloris from the writing conference joined them. Her cats and Zak's had stayed back at the apartment she and soon-to-be husband now rented.

Bisma had moved in with Jamila and Rahim, and most of Zak's belongings transferred to what would, after today, be their place. They'd even added one more inhabitant. The gray cat with the mangled tail seemed to find Reni wherever she went in town and now came inside to eat and sleep. Most importantly, felines, friends, and parents all got along, and Reni had come to cherish the weekly cooking lessons with Zak's mother.

They'd merged wedding traditions for their big day. The couple had written their own vows, which they shared before the couple saying "I accept" in Arabic three times. She and Zak exchanged rings before she watched two of Zak's friends witness the contract. Then they ushered everyone into the banquet hall for the Walima and dancing. It was many hours later when Reni, leaning tiredly against Zak, said goodbye to guests.

Three months after the wedding, it arrived.

Reni sat on the patio of her new apartment and opened the cardboard FedEx carton. Her children's story had been accepted by a publisher and was now in print. Her author copy of Amelia's Charming Life had arrived, and she opened the box to see her name on the cover. Flipping through the pages, she marveled at the story anew.

Once upon a time in a small village nestled amidst rolling hills, lived a young girl named Amelia. She possessed a charm bracelet adorned with delicate trinkets, each one significant to her. The bracelet had been passed down through generations of her family, its history woven by the events of their lives.

One fateful summer evening, a devastating fire engulfed Amelia's village, leaving her homeless and alone, her family scattered. The magic in Amelia's bracelet starts a grand adventure for her as she travels exotic lands. Throughout the story, there are tough choices, new friends, and saving a kingdom from a wicked witch. At the end, Amelia is reunited with her sister and grandmother.

"Is it here?" Zak joined her on the patio.

"Come and see."

"The cover is beautiful."

"I love it," Reni said.

"Read some to me."

"You've heard it before. You helped edit the manuscript."

"I never get tired of hearing your stories."

"You know the ending already."

"Amelia gets her happy ending, but it's not nearly as wonderful as ours."

"Here we go." Reni started reading Amelia's Charming Life only to realize she'd been the one lucky enough to be living a magical existence thanks to Zak. 


Sitting on the balcony of her Marrakesh apartment with mint tea flavoring the air and her lips, Reni watched stars break from beneath the clouds. She had a fleeting moment of panic. Could she really be here, living in Morocco?

Strong tea and thoughts of the plush bed calling could not calm her, but maybe writing about it would. She picked up her journal. The soft glow of light from inside the apartment was enough to see the page, but words failed to come. How could she describe all the recent changes in her life, the range of emotions, the fear, excitement, and, most of all, the love?

Reni had left behind the United States, her family, a score of friends, a career, and all for a man.

Shoulders tight, she stretched, trying to erase the negative thoughts.

A breeze kissed her and sent long, red tendrils of hair to tickle her cheeks. She tucked them back and pulled her exuberant curls into a messy top bun.

She wasn't a woman who gave up everything to follow a man, having grown up independent and educated, ready to make her way in the world. That thought alone burned.

Love, something she'd planned to put off until the right time, flared with Zak's entrance into her life, and that heat drove her to follow him halfway around the world. Three thousand, six hundred and ninety-seven miles to be exact.

Eyes lifting, the star-stained sky brought a small measure of calm. Reni reassured herself the apartment was exactly where she wanted to be because Zak lived in it with her. No place better existed.

When her stomach finally settled, the clouds returned.

A calico cat strolled out and twined around her ankles. It uttered a loud mewl to get her attention before jumping on the table, nearly spilling the tea.

"Come here, Mush," she said as the cat settled on her lap. The charms on her bracelet jingled as she stroked his soft fur. Another cat looped around her feet. Reni closed her eyes to the quiet and relived every moment of how she ended up spending her midnights in Morocco.

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