❤ What are they hiding?💙part 4

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You can turn on the song I put here at the beginning and at the end, and when Ray appears you can turn it off, but most importantly listen to it at the end, when Chapa will have a monologue in her head when she is alone.

I was still lying on top of his body in the dark.

"Oh, great, Miles saw everything!" he replied sarcastically, "But I was late because of you, so you'll have to make sure he doesn't tell anyone.

"Or maybe we can do it together?"

I hope to delay him even more so that he doesn't get to Melissa today.

Actually, I've heard a lot about this girl, and it's always been something bad. Everyone said she was a very bad person and used boys for her own purposes...

"No, you'll do it yourself."


"The topic is closed, de Silva. I think you haven't stopped knowing how to intimidate people yet, because just today at the beginning of the day you were still successfully trying to intimidate me in this room."

I couldn't say anything to that because he was right...

Bose again lifted me off his body with his telekinesis and gently placed me on the floor, despite the fact that he said he would drop me like a stone.

He still really continues to love me! I could feel his heartbeat until the last moment I was lying on top of him, but... What's the point of him still having feelings for me if it doesn't neglect the fact that he really does seem to hate me?

And it can be just one step from love to complete hatred, just as it can be vice versa.

What if in the future he really does fall out of love with me forever?

While I was lying on the floor after he put me there, Bose quickly got up and almost ran out of the room, saying, "Oh no, I'm already late for her thanks to you!"


"I'm not going to listen to you anymore!"

"If you leave, I won't make sure Miles doesn't blab to Ray and the others!"

The guy stopped abruptly and laughed a little.

"It's in your best interest to intimidate him, otherwise I'll block you on all my socials and you'll never be able to talk to me again. "



"Okay, I'll do it..."

"Good girl, goodbye, and don't you dare follow me when I leave, or if I catch you in the act you'll be very sorry."

"I don't think I can regret it any more than I do now..."

"Believe me, you can," and with that he walked out of the basement hallway and upstairs, and I went to find Miles.

I can't believe I didn't follow him, but... I placed a tracker on Bose's body while I was lying on top of him.

Yes, it's definitely not something I'm proud of, but I couldn't do anything else...

My heart was breaking and I would have gone crazy if I didn't really know where he was all this time. Maybe Bosey was bluffing after all, and if so, thanks to this tracker I will be able to make sure of it.

I hope he was really bluffing... Please!


I couldn't find Miles for a long time because my mind was scattered... I felt like I didn't understand what was happening anymore. Something strange started happening to me.

A collection of mini Bapa fanfics (And One-shots)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora