ninety seven.

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𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙂𝙀𝙉𝙏𝙇𝙀 𝙏𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀 of the stream in front of them was a welcomed sound as they approached. Ryan had forced them to walk, what felt aimlessly, around the jungle for another close to half a day. 

He was definitely looking for something...or someone, he just hadn't a clue where to look, clearly. 

Without being told, and at risk of being reprimanded, Charlotte dropped to her knees in front of the stream. She cupped her hands, gathering the cool water in them before splashing it over her face. She hummed at the short relief from the stifling heat. 

Mateo did the same next to her, going so far as to pour the water over his head. Ryan didn't bother. He stood watching them with a stone-cold expression. "Let's go," he ordered, barely having even stopped for a minute. 

Charlotte turned to him, "Can you just let us rest for one fucking minute?"

Ryan didn't like her attitude. As quickly as the words had left her mouth, the back of his hand had collided with her face. Charlotte let out shocked gasp as her lip exploded in pain, blood soon coating her teeth. "What the fuck!?" She snapped, spitting blood onto the ground next to her. 

Looking like he wanted to rip Ryan's head off, Mateo let out a deep exhale. "You didn't have to hit her, man."

Ryan grabbed onto Charlotte, pulling her back onto her feet. "I'm not your man," he muttered to Mateo, "Now start moving."

Charlotte shot Mateo a look, encouraging him not to take it any further. Whatever had happened when he had left them, Ryan was pissed and Mateo and Charlotte were the only people he could take his anger out on at this point. 

Thankfully, Mateo adhered to Charlotte's wish, and clamped his mouth shut before beginning to walk once again. Charlotte tried not to show how much she wanted a real break. She knew that the more she did, the less likely Ryan was going to give them one. 

As her legs grew more and more tired, her breathing more and more laboured, all Charlotte could think about was Rafe. She wished more than anything that she was home with him in that moment. And she thought of her sister...and JJ. She hoped they were okay, wherever they were. 



"This is pointless!" Rafe huffed, settling onto the bank of the small stream next to where the others had gathered, "How the hell are we supposed to find her in the middle of this fucking jungle."

Another full day had passed, and while he still wasn't thrilled about working with the Pogues, he'd learned to accept it. They all had a common goal right now ─ find Charlotte. At least Sarah and John B weren't with them anymore, that was an upside. 

"Would it kill you to not complain for like five seconds?" JJ fired back, rolling his eyes as he dipped his hands into the water, "How the fuck does Charley deal with you?"

Anger surged through Rafe as he clenched his fists, willing himself to calm down. He heard Charlotte's voice in his head, what she would say if he attacked the Maybank kid. He took a deep breath, eyes fluttering closed for a moment. 

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃─𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now