Ch2: Posy

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The next day, right after his classes, Xiao rushes to the flower shop. A light breeze blows lightly through his hair as he pulls open the door. Catching his breath, Xiao enters the flower shop. He brushes hair out of his face, leaning against the counter. To his disappointment, Aether isn't behind the counter.

Xiao rings the silver bell on the counter. Aether peeks out from the backroom.

"Xiao! Welcome back!" Aether walks over to the counter, smiling. "I wasn't expecting you to return so soon."

"My dad needs more plants, so I thought I'd come to get them for him since I know you and all," Xiao says, pulling a slip of paper out of his pocket.

Aether takes the paper and nods. "I like seeing you, so stop by anytime. Now, let's see what your dad needs today. Mint and a sweet flower?"

"Yes. That's what he told me."

"You wrote this note today, no? The handwriting is different than yesterday."

"Yes, I did..." Xiao says, glancing away.

"Your penmanship is nice. I also like the red ink you used."

"Thank you. I found the pen on the floor and scribbled this down on the way to class," Xiao says, smiling a little.

"Really? I couldn't tell. Let me get these for you from the back. Hold tight," Aether says, walking to the backroom.

Xiao's eyes are fixed on a distant point as the heavy silence sinks in. He takes a couple of deep breaths, realizing that his breathing has become a little shallow. He brushes his hands, which had become clammy, on his pants. Brushing his hair out of his face, he turns to Aether, who has returned from the back. A pot of mint and a sweet flower are in his hands.

"Here you go, Xiao. I hope these grow well for you. They're both pretty easygoing plants, so you should be able to take care of them without any issues."

"Thank you, Aether." Xiao takes the two pots in his hands, smiling. "I'll come back tomorrow. My dad will probably need more plants."

"He sure likes plants! Maybe you could bring him one day so I could meet him?"

"Maybe, yeah," Xiao says, his face heating up a little at the thought of the florist meeting his dad. "I'm sure he'd adore you. I mean, who wouldn't?"

"Thank you. Judging by how well his son turned out, I'd guess he's a very respectable man."

Xiao nods and smiles awkwardly. He had so much on his mind, so much to say, yet he couldn't voice a single thought of his. What was he supposed to say? He carefully takes the sweet flower and mint in his hands.

"You're quite the same. Respectable, kind, intelligent," Xiao nods, trailing off a bit. He catches himself, clearing his throat. "Well, thank you for your help as usual. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Alright! Catch ya later!"


A week of this passes. Xiao goes to school, goes to the shop, goes home, then repeats. Zhongli starts getting a little curious as he sees Xiao bring in flower after plant after herb from all corners of the world.

Some flowers of Mondstadt are dandelions that carry wishes through the winds and cecilias that have adapted to grow on the highest peaks. These flowers of Mondstadt sit on Xiao's window sill.

Liyue flowers include silk flowers that rarely grow in the wild and violet grass that only blooms on the sides of cliffs; they rest over on Xiao's nightstand.

Flowers from Inazuma include the dendrobium, symbolizing the passing of a samurai, and the naku weed (which isn't probably a flower) that whistles with thunder; they are growing on Xiao's dresser.

Sumeru is a flowering nation as well. It has nilotpata lotuses that only bloom when the moon rises and Sumeru roses that aren't actually roses. They are both drying, hanging upside down in a dark part of Xiao's closet.

Among Fontaine's flowers are lumidouce bells, commonly used for perfumes, and rainbow roses, the classic flower of love. These two are in a vase on Xiao's dresser, next to the Inazuman plants. Around the plants on the dresser are several books about plant care.

Of all the plants he owns, his prized flower sits on his desk. It's the windwheel aster that Aether had given him. Xiao has been attempting to grow it, but still with no luck. He waters it, gives it sunlight, and even talks to it. Nothing seems to be working.

Xiao sighs at the end of the day, resting his head on the desk next to the pot. His hands cover his head as he rests, still not allowing his body to relax completely. His eyebrows are tense as he frowns.

"I don't get it. I do everything, yet still nothing. Why won't you grow?"

The silence in the room is heavy. The heavy feeling sinks into Xiao's chest as he finally stands up, crossing his arms and scoffing. He throws himself onto his bed and grudgingly falls asleep.

The next day, Xiao comes home after his usual trip to the flower shop. Today, he bought a romaritime flower. This particular flower needed to always be in a vase of water, or else it'd stop blooming.

Carefully, Xiao carries the vase upstairs, trying not to spill the water.

"Xiao? May we speak?"

Xiao's heart races as he feels a sudden jolt of fear coursing through his veins. He realizes he's clutching the vase tightly, his knuckles turning white with the pressure. He turns around to see Zhongli standing in the doorway, leaning casually against the door frame.

Zhongli enters the foyer, placing a delicate cup of tea on the decorative sideboard. Xiao instinctively moves the vase closer to his chest, as if to protect it from harm. He could never tell what Zhongli was thinking; he always had the same inscrutable expression.

"Xiao, I noticed that you've been out later than usual. Not to mention, you keep bringing home flowers. Are you perhaps... seeing someone?"

"No!" Xiao shakes his head quickly. "Well, no, not exactly in the way you're thinking. I've been going to a flower shop after school: the one you sent me to a week back. I've become interested in botany."

"Have you? Botany is a fun hobby. If you need help with anything, let me know. I'd be more than happy to help."

"Thank you, dad."

Xiao runs upstairs after his conversation, relieved that he wasn't interrogated too intensely. He sets the romaritime on his desk and looks at the windwheel aster. The pot contains only the soil that was in it when he got it. Maybe one day, it'll sprout.

The next day at the flower shop, Xiao sighs in defeat.

"Aether, I've been trying to grow the windwheel aster, but it's not working."

"They're difficult to grow, don't get too down on yourself. If you want help, maybe you can bring it into the shop tomorrow and I can take a look?"

"There's nothing to see; it's a pot of soil."

Aether sighs and thinks for a moment. "Yeah, that's how far I've been able to get with all of my windwheels. A pot of soil."

Aether reaches to his left to grab a pot off of a shelf. It has only soil in it. Xiao hasn't realized that it was one of Aether's attempts at growing a windwheel aster.

Xiao crosses his arms and thinks for a moment. There has to be a way to get both of their flowers to grow. Just then, he gets an idea. "I might know someone I can ask."

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