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"Who is that?"

Those were the words that left your mouth the moment you had laid your eyes on her.

The other whispers, like yours, floated into your ears as she walked on, unaware of the commotion she was causing behind in her wake. She'ld never know -till you tell her like you did many weeks later.

But now, she was gone, out of your sight, and still you saw her in your mind eyes, just as she were.

"Didn't you see that?" The words came to you. You didn't know who said it, couldn't actually have known who said it because you were not paying any attention to her.

"She is beautiful. She is fucking beautiful!" But that was not when you fell.


"Have a drink!"

You had taken a sip -No! Two sips maybe- of the alcohol disguised as mocktails by your friends. But you knew, that it was alcohol, though they kept telling you otherwise.

You didn't want to offend them but you still didn't know how to turn them down. And you didn't want a sip still.

"It won't sting!" One of them teased. She was high on something, probably drugs because the alcohol wasn't much.

"I know it won't girl but i do not want another sip. Why don't you have one yourself?"

"It isn't fun without you, you know Mama?" She said with pouty lips and pleading eyes.

"Stop itttt," you say. She begins to tug your arm while making little pleading noises.

"Mama," she continued in that pleading voice that was getting to you. You snatched your hands away from hers.

"Keep your hands to yourself," you say to her. She folds her arms across her chest and you can see tears in her eyes.

"I hate you Mama."

"And I love you Anita, now leave me alone and get the fuck!" She turned and walked away, leaving you be like you wanted.


You were tipsy.


Somehow, you were tipsy, after seven sips and a half, and a half? Was there something like that? You didn't think much of it.

"Let's dance Mama," Deborah said standing close to you, so close that her breast was rubbing your arms.

And you loved it.

"In your dreams," was your reply. She only smiled.

"I am dreaming now Mama, so you are bound to your words."

And with that, she dragged you away, to the dance floor.


"Where to?"

That was what you asked Deborah the moment she turned to leave. She turned back to you with a blank look on her pretty face.

And when she smiled...

Deborah doesn't like girls, your mind told you instantly.

Too bad, you would have been good to her, maybe better than the guy she was currently dating.

"Where are you off to?"

"To take a swing of whatever i can find. I need some shit."

"Who am i to dance with?" You asked her.

"Dance with me." You turned to the voice. She smiled at you. "Dance with me pretty."

It was her.

You nodded an acceptance, not realizing that Deborah had gone off. She stared at you with a plastic cup of what was most definitely alcohol in her right hand and motioned for you to turn with the left hand.

And you did.

You turned and fell in love, hard and fast, like an egg down a steep hill. Nothing could stop you.



The Girl After My HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora