Chapter 10 - This Is How The Gods Play Ball

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Still up in the temple, Tulio peeked his head around one of the stacks he had created, in his quest to fairly sort the treasure - while also getting some good pieces for himself. He held all sorts of things in his arms, trying to see where they'd go but was spooked by a voice calling out to him.

"My lord?"

He dropped everything from fright before slowly turning to face Tzekel-Kan. The priest stared at him a little perplexed but didn't say anything about it.

Tulio quickly straightened himself up and, trying to be polite, happily greeted, "Oh, Tzekel-Kan! What brings you here?"

"I humbly request an audience with you, my lord."

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

"My lord, I have just seen Lord Miguel and Lady (Y/N) out among the people, along with that little servant of yours."

Tulio was somewhat confused but, by quickly glancing around, he noticed that indeed he was the only one in the temple. And that realization made his eyebrow twitch with rage.

"Really?" He asked, trying to contain his frustration.

"If I may be so bold as to offer some advice."

Many would not have listened to what the man had to say. In fact, many would've just ignored him or walked away. And, it would have been for a good reason. Tzekel-Kan was slimy, vindictive, and could be unapologetically cruel. So, whatever advice he had to offer, probably wasn't anything good.

But, with Tulio trying to keep up appearances, while also being mad at his friends and their blatant ignoring of his orders, he instead said, "All right. Shoot."

"My lord, you are perfect." Tzekel-Kan stated in a flattering manner.

"Oh, well. Go on."

The priest went around him, now standing within the temple. "But in your perfection, you cannot know how imperfect humans are."

He raised his arms, moving them about in fluid motions, sort of in a snake-like manner. And, as he did, eerie green light consumed the temple and, with some magic, he allowed luminescent snakes to appear, floating in front of him.

"Like snakes they are spineless and slippery."

Tulio stepped back, horrified by the imagery that the high priest had conjured up. But he continued, turning plump fruits into revolting rats.

"They are as untrustworthy as rats, stealing and cheating with no remorse."

He then raised his arms, making the rodents disappear in flashes of smoke, and the temple was filled with glowing cobwebs and big, nasty spiders. One even crawled into his hand and he crushed it without batting an eye.

"Spinning webs of lies, like spiders!"

"Stop it! That's disgusting." At Tulio's command, he made his mystifying visions disappear, along with the unearthly green light.

"They're beyond disgusting!" He seethed.

Tulio was a little unnerved by the delusional priest and began to back away. "Yeah, yeah, way beyond."

"Then we're in agreement. I'll begin the necessary preparations immediately. Now, do you wish to have your victims bound to an altar or would you prefer them free-range?"

As Tzekel-Kan kept talking, he kept trying to close the space between himself and Tulio. Meanwhile, the Spaniard kept trying to move away from the demented man.

"And will you be devouring their essence whole or piece by piece?"

"Tzekel, you've lost me."

"My lord, these people will not respect you if they do not fear you."

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