Chapter 15 - Time For Something New

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Brave warriors scaled to the top of a pillar near the entrance of the city. They secured many ropes to the enormous structure before throwing the other ends down to the crowd below.

"Hold the line steady! They're almost in place!" The chief ordered.


Meanwhile, Tzekel-Kan, with a proud smile, led the way towards the city. They passed the dragon rock, and he pointed forward for the army to continue onward.

"It better be there, for your sake." Cortes warned.


The boat sailed towards the entrance of the city, with (Y/N) keeping an eye on their course, Tulio rowing to push them forward, and Chel steering them. Tulio pulled back in the oar, readying himself for what was soon to occur.

But it was then that he looked up and saw Miguel staring back down at them. (Y/N) looked over as well, slightly smiling up at the blond man. However, Tulio only looked away, still unable to face him.

"Okay. Chief, on my signal!" Tulio yelled out. "Ready! Hit the pillars!"


The people below the pillar used a giant log to destroy the pillar's foundation. It worked beautifully, as the stones below began to break easily...a little too easily.

(Y/N) gasped as she turned to Tulio and shouted, "They're breaking too fast!"

"Tulio, the sail!" Chel quickly ordered.

The dark-haired man didn't hesitate to run over to the rope, that would unfurl the sail. However, though he pulled at it as hard as he could, it just wouldn't open.

"It's stuck!"

(Y/N), upon hearing her friend's concerned cries, ran over to him as fast as she could. Together they attempted to pull the sail open, using all their strength, but it still wasn't enough.

Miguel watched on, fear filling his being as the pillar slowly fell towards the boat. The people of the city acted fast, grabbing the ropes, and pulling back on them to keep the pillar from falling. The chief also stepped in, grabbing two handfuls of rope, and using all his strength to keep the pillar at bay as well.

Though the people's actions were helping, Miguel could see his friends were having trouble opening the sail and worriedly mumbled, "They're not gonna make it. Altivo!"

The horse hurried over, and Miguel jumped on his back as soon as the stallion was close enough. They then raced towards the boat, just as a few ropes began to snap. The chief did his best, as did those that remained, hoping they could give them more time.

Tulio and (Y/N) still attempted to unfurl the sail but were distracted when they saw Miguel and Altivo rush down the side of the riverbank and through the zone where the pillar would soon crash.

"Are you crazy?!" Tulio yelled out to him.

The blond man paid him no mind as Altivo jumped off the edge and towards the boat. Miguel jumped off and seemed to fly through the air as he did. The people watched on in astonishment but grew worried as they noticed the pillar beginning to lower more.

But luckily, Miguel grabbed onto the sail, just as Altivo landed in the boat, and unfurled it before landing with a harsh thud on the deck.

Tulio and (Y/N) rushed over to their friend and Tulio immediately commanded, "Get off the boat, Miguel!"

"Or you'll never see the city again." (Y/N) stated.

"I know." His friends stared at him in confusion as he took off his headpiece and cape, before he asked, "You don't think I'm gonna let you guys have all the fun, do you?"

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