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Flashback *

An eight-year-old Alessio was sitting and watching TV while his so-called father was busy working in his office. It was 10 o'clock in the night and it was way past Alessio's bedtime and he knew if Sandro caught him awake he would be in trouble. Alessandro was Sandro's full name but Alessio always had trouble pronouncing the s so instead of having Matt (their other brother) tease him he used to call Sandro Ally or Al when he was mad at Sandro. Alessio saw Sandro come in but Sandro had a black eye and was limping on his right leg. Alessio immediately ran up to his brother and put his arm out to hug him and Sandro flinched and tried his best not to scream out in pain. Sandro couldn't let Alessio know he would carry that secret to his grave if he had to but little did Sandro know how wrong he was. Alessio found out the secret about his father and that hunted him till today but his admiration of Sandro grew

*Flashback over*

My phone dinged. Luca was sleeping peacefully for a change on Alessio's comfortable cozy bed, while I was sleeping on a couch which might give me severe back pain. I thought it was Matt sending me some stupid article about how you should get more sleep or how your mental health is just as important as your physical health, but it wasn't Matt, it was Andres. That fucker.

When I first met Andres, I thought he looked hot because who wouldn't and I'm not blind. Andres had perfectly tanned skin with dark green eyes and dark brown hair. My second, more logical thought was that I wanted to punch him. 

I hated him with every ounce of my being.

Matt forced me to 'get along' with Andres apparently he wanted me to do 'normal teenager things'. I have multiple problem with that statement. Normal teen things are rebelling and getting drunk which I happen to excel in that. Andres being the manipulative bitch he is asked me my number in front of Matt.  Now instead of wanting to punch Andres I wanted to punch Matt and Andres. Andres used to text me non-stop. It wasn't the lovey-dovey kind to the small talk kind.

Andres used to text him questions. Questions like 'Why are you so dumb?' Or  'I was gonna make a joke on your life but life beat me to it'.

I went to the living room because I didn't want to disturb Luca. I unlocked my phone. Nowadays, Andres doesn't send me questions. It's even worse; he sends me stupid, stupid jokes and really shitty puns, especially Italian ones. Andres's name, given by me, is Bastardo, which means bastard. I change it every day based on how annoying Andres is."

Bastardo: Did you hear about the Italian chef?

Ugh, this was one of his stupid Italian puns.

Me: Nah, but I heard about the incident where I punched you. Wanna repeat that?

Bastardo: They pasta away.

Seriously? Ughh


Me: Why are you texting with all caps you psycho?


Me: wait does that make u a... capitalist?

Bastardo: Can I call you?

Me: Hmm

Bastardo: Yes or no?

How dare Andres limit my options to yes or no. I'm not going to say yes or no just to be a petty bitch

Me: Yeah

I was shocked at how quickly Andres called him. If only Andres could shut his mouth up that quickly...

"What?" I asked

"Well hello to you too. As much as I would love to talk about your manners and your inability to say hello while greeting someone, we have more important things to talk about."

Oh shit, he's gonna bring up the incident.

"I feel like this shouldn't be done on the phone but."

Don't be about the kiss.

"Do you know how far we've come?"

Um, uh. Don't be about the kiss. I don't want to deal with emotions right now

"YOU JUST MADE A PUN. I'm so so proud of you."

I should have known, this is Andres, he's too stupid to talk about serious things. That Bastard.

"We went from you putting a full stop and proper punctuation to using shot forms like 'U-R', now we just have to work on the emojis part and maybe not threatening me every message would be nice."

"And we need to work on how you need to shut up." I retorted

 "Yes, of course, your majesty. How's Luca doing and why are you up so late it's like 3 in Italy?" He asked.

"Spain and Italy have the same time zones, you idiot."

"Yeah, well, I'm not in Spain, I'm in India, stop trying to deflect my question. Reflect the answer instead. Get it?"

I swear it's like he talks in another language. Why? Why me? Why can't he shut up? I wanna make him shut up... That sounds wrong.

"Luca's sleeping and I'm reading."

"Oh cool but why are you reading at 3 am?"

Because I  like getting nightmares of my father trying to kill me. It's so fun!!

"Can't sleep." More like won't

"Wow! I never thought I'd hear the day you said you can't do something. Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to recall the historical moment when Alessio the Great said he couldn't do something."

"Over dramatic idiot. You need to shut up"

Huh that a good name for Andres. I'll change it from bastardo to dramatic idiot.

"Fine then you talk" Ugh

"No, and I'm blocking you for 3 hours just for saying that?"

"I'll tell Matt" How old is he? 5

"No you won't."

"Wait one last thing" What the hell does he want?

"Andres I will come over there and -"

"Yeah yeah and make me dig my own grave"

"What do you want?" I'm thinking of ways I can kill him. Hmm

"I wanted you to say thank you to me for improving your sense of humor.I rea-"

I cut the call.

Don't kill him. Don't kill him. It would break the alliance. Sandro will be mad at you. The entire Spanish mafia would be against you. Don't kill him

So I wanted to keep this chap a little bit light cause the next chapter will have lots of trigger warnings ⚠

Also I want to thank @terhozy. This person mentioned me in her own story. Which is just so so sweet and it was just literally authors supporting authors. That was like really sweet of her unlike some people who are mean jerks *glares at mirror*

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