Rolling you eyes

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"If eyes are the window to my soul. My soul likes to roll a lot"

"Luca?" Obviously, I knew if I stepped a bit closer Luca would just get more afraid. The best thing I can do is to reassure him.

Now how the fuck do I do that when I don't even know what he's afraid of? Fuck I don't even know anything about him. I can ask him. He's panicking right now. I'm panicking right now.

"Luca." What is wrong with me? Why do I keep using his name? Pronouns were invented for a reason!

"Luca" Fucking again? Okay just be honest. But not too honest that I might hurt his feeling. But honestly at-why am I like this?

"I can see that you're scared and I want to help you but i dont know why your scared. Could you tell me why your scared so that I can help you? " Well that was a shitty explanation.

"U-ur n-not... " Luca looked at me like Im crazy. To be fair I am but not the way he's thinking. He wasn't crying... He looked like he was trying not to cry. He quickly looked down again
He was at the other end of the bathroom and was hugging his knees. His head was literally buried inside his knees.

"M-mad? " Luca looked up at me with those brown doe eyes which shone brightly. Or maybe the eyes were shining brightly because of the tears? I don't know.

Surprisingly he didn't have an accent. I didn't have an Italian accent cause I live in America. I was just in Italy for work... Okay, it was for the gelato.

"Why would I be mad?" Luca bit his lower lip and shrugged and winced.

Now, I understand how Matt feels when I always shrug for an answer. Damn, karma slapped me in the face. Good one,  Karma

So obviously Luca's not giving me any answer. Why would he get so spooked? I get that he naturally is scared of me but he got even more afraid.

Come on dumbass brain, think.

You know, now I get why Luca likes the floor so much it really is so lovely the way the color FOCUS!

He said that I had uh nice eyes...

"Luca was it because you said I had nice eyes"

3rd person pov

Luca was feeling really stupid. Why did he have to say that?

He told himself to calm down. His mother said giving compliments is a good thing to do but she also said that coming from Luca it was useless.

He tried to think what the word useless meant but he got fed up. He was fed up with it all. He hated how little he knew so this time instead he just nodded and pretended not to be scared. He knew nobody liked a scared little boy which was what he is but Alessio didn't need to know that.

His mind raced. His mother and Miss always said he is a scared stupid boy and they hated him for that. Maybe if he wasn't so scared Alessio would actually like him.

No Alessio wouldn't like him. No one does. Maybe Alessio wouldn't hate him. Just maybe.

He used to always follow what Miss said because she was better than his mother.

She wasn't nice. Luca used to go to school but his mother stopped it because his teacher saw his bruises. Luca liked going to school he used to learn things and it made him feel less stupid.

He was done with being scared and stupid so instead of crying he forced himself not to cry and stopped looking at the floor.

Luca nodded.

He remembers how much his mother hated that she said it showed how weak he is but Luca just felt intimidated and if his mother was intimidating... His father was even more intimidating.

This time it was Alessio's turn to look shocked. Luca actually looked at him and nodded. It wasn't an enthusiastic nod like 'Yes, yes!'. It was more like a 'yes duh'.

"Okay let's try this again. Do you know what a bath is?" 

Luca did a thing which his mother and Miss told him not to do but he couldn't help it. Of course, he knows what a bath is! It's the dumbest question in the world and he hated when anyone thought he is stupid. He didn't know what it was called but Miss called it an eye roll. 

Luca rolled his eyes halfway and looked at Alessio with his cute wide doe eyes. Alessio was trying to hide his smirk. Alessio bit his lip.

"So, You do know what it is?"

He's still asking Luca thought.

Luca nodded and tried to stop himself from rolling his eyes and he would have succeeded if Alessio didn't make that face 24/7. Alessio is really starting to see how Luca looks exactly like him.

"Are you rolling your eyes?" Alessio had to try and his smirk.

Don't be scared just say sorry, Luca thought. 

"Sorry" Luca had to litreally keep saying the pronunciation over and over again in his mind. He knew everyone hated it when he said anything not properly. That made him want to roll his eyes but he would never. Not in front of Miss and his Mother and he should feel that way with his 'father but...

Alessio smiled. Matt would probably laugh his ass of if anyone said to Alessio sorry for rolling their eyes.

"If I had to say sorry for every time I rolled my eyes I would probably still be saying sorry. You don't have to apologize." 

Luca was going to smile but his cheeks really hurt. The cut on his cheek was burning because Alessio had put medicine on it. Luca hated how scared he was when Alessio put the medicine. He hated how everything makes him scared. Why can't he be normal?

YASS I'M ALIVE!! I'll be updating regularly now

Ps; Check out my other book

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I am so sorry about the previous chapter it wasn't done and I accidentally published it

Stupid me ughh

A meme (which u totally cant find online) to show you how sorry I am

A meme (which u totally cant find online) to show you how sorry I am

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