29. Samrat's affair exposed

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Samrat banged the door and the door opened, "Which mannerless fool bangs the door like this ?" A man yelled.

Samrat was startled . He checked the apartment number. It was Siya's. He thought that he might be Siya's brother. " Hello Sir , you must be Siya's brother. I am her boyfriend. I want to meet her "

" I don't know anyone with that name. You must be talking about the last tenant." The man said .

Samrat came to know that she left the apartment.
Siya had already guessed his moves so she had already changed the apartment. Her new flat was in the same building as Raghav's , just two floors below. In fact he was the owner. Siya agreed to stay there only if he would accept the rent. Raghav and Ria went to help her arrange her things in the new apartment. Ria noticed the behaviour of Raghav with Siya . She realised his feelings for Siya . Although she knew he liked someone, he didn't tell her the name of the girl .She decided to confront him.

" Raghav , who's that girl of your one sided love? Is she someone close to me?"

" Are you worried that I might do something with Siya?"

" Do something? She's going to get married " Ria said.

" Don't worry. I know that. She is a nice person . So I was just trying to help her."

The next day in the office , Samrat was waiting to confront Siya. He walked towards her , " Hey Siya..." But he was slapped by Siya . All the employees gathered around them .

" Are you crazy?" Another slap..

"Why are you hitting me ?" Another slap on his cheek .

He raised his hand to slap her back but before he could do it his hand was grabbed and twisted by Raghav. He yelled in pain . " You did nothing when she hit me . Why are you being so unfair ?" Raghav released his hold.

" Do you share your love with two women because you like being fair ? " Siya screamed. Everyone gasped.

Meera came forward and said , " Siya,  let's go "

" No, let me confront this cheater first"
She took out a red panty from her purse and put it on his head. " I found this in your car " She said . Everyone in the office started to whisper. Alia who was passing by stopped hearing her . Samrat remembered his moments with Alia in his car before the family dinner. He thought it was hers.

" How dare you go through my car ?" He shouted and put the panty into his pocket. Everyone in the office was shocked since he didn't deny the accusation. " Don't shout . You cheater!! " She took out her ring with which he had proposed her and threw it . It broke into pieces. " See , even your ring is fake ."

Soon the news of him being a cheater spread throughout the office.

' You know the news about Samrat ? He cheated on his girlfriend.'

' They had sex in the car'

' What ? Sex in the car'

' The news spread to the HR department.'

'Man cheats after many years of relationship '

' He was exposed through panties '

Later , Ashish taunted Siya that she got cheated because of her temper . But she ignored him.

Samrat thought that she reacted rudely with his parents because she knew that he cheated on her . Alia came to meet him " Can't you handle your panties?"

" They aren't mine " Alia said .

" But I did it only with you in the car. If they are not yours then whom do they belong to ?" He said frustrated.

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