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Ada turned panicked eyes to Maya. "W-what's going on?"

"Please, sit." Maya gestured at two chairs next to Bo.

"Don't tell me you were expecting the rifter," Luke said, displeasure colouring his face. "Is this a frequent occurrence? Rifters coming in and out of a cupid division?"

"That's not the case, Luke," Maya answered with an exasperated sigh.

Luke scowled at Haruto. "Is this another attempt to plead your case? How many years had it been? It seems you're yet to learn your lesson or accept your place."

Ada itched to reach over and cover Haruto's ears. It was strange seeing a Helmet behave this coldly to a cupid. Or was this the norm? Maybe the Southern Division simply lucked out with their Helmets.

Instead of answering Luke's question, Haruto's eyes remained downcast with his arms folded across his chest. He wouldn't stop bouncing his leg.

"What's with this dude?" Bo barked at Luke. "Why are you obsessed with our division? Your visits have become too frequent. It's annoying."

Luke waved as if to brush aside Bo's outburst. "I see you are yet to fix that fragile temper of yours. And I have every right to visit as often as I wish." Relaxing more in his chair, he pinned Ada with a sharp stare. "What's your name?"

Flinching to an upright position, Ada clenched her fists on her thighs. "Adarosa," she whispered in a shaky voice.

Why was she suddenly scared? It wasn't like she had failed her match. Luke had no power to drop her. But there was something about him, that permanent condescending look on his face, the way he seemed disappointed in everything and everyone.

I've done nothing wrong. I have no reason to be scared. Luke can't drop me because I'm not part of his division. Raymond and Genevieve will fall in love. Things will work out.

"I didn't hear that. Speak clearly." Luke glanced at Maya. "Why is she whispering? I've never heard of a speech-impaired cupid."

Bo's fingers curled as if readying for a punch. "Ha. Don't give in," she muttered. "Don't give in to that lizard, Bo." Digging into her pocket, she retrieved a pair of earbuds and furiously stuffed them in her ears.

Instead of giving Luke an answer, Maya sat at the head of the table and gave Tasha a nod. "Pull up the file. And," she gave Luke a pointed look, "next time, we would appreciate it if you inform us before you visit."

"Why? What rule says I must?" Resting his forearms on the table, Luke clasped his fingers and looked straight at Haruto. "Perhaps you do not wish I learn that you let rifters into your division."

"No," Ada said before she could stop herself. Everything was going horribly wrong. It was all her fault. Everything was her fault. She should have listened when Haruto told her to let things be. "That's not it. I am—"

"Turns out she's not speech-impaired after all," Luke said in a bored voice. "What's your name?"


Frowning, Luke appeared to be in deep thought before his eyes lit in recognition. "You are the one." He snapped his fingers and chuffed. "You're the cupid my colleagues here boast about. They say the One Up High personally named you. It's an honour to meet you."

Awe and pride always warmed Ada's heart whenever the Helmets recounted her delivery story. But the way Luke said those words, that disbelieving tone and subtle mockery. Ada hugged herself and hunched.

Tasha sent Ada a small sympathetic smile and mouthed 'logger'. Pulling out the device, Ada saw a message notification.

Don't let his words get to you. Ada read the lines over and over until she felt a tad better.

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