Hug Me

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"I'll admit it," Genevieve said.

"Admit what?" Ray asked as they walked down the tarmac to two rugged safari jeeps parked ahead.

At first, Genevieve had swooned on the inside when Ray took her hand and led her out of the jet. Then she stepped under the sun, and punishing reality crushed her excitement.

"I shouldn't have planned this trip," Genevieve said moanfully. It was boiling out here. She pulled at the collar of her abaya and blew over her sweaty chest. The clammy heat remained. And the scarf she had to wear wasn't helping matters. Her entire head was a cooking pot at this point.

"Why? I'm having the time of my life," Ray said with laughter. Shutting his eyes, he drew a long breath and exhaled. "Refreshing weather we have here."

"Just say it already," Genevieve said with a huff.

"Say what?" Ray threw her a killer smile.

Stopping herself from mirroring his smile, Genevieve rolled her eyes. "I bet you're dying to tell me I told you so." A gust of hot air blew against her face, snagging her scarf.

"Nope. Now that you're my girlfriend, there are a thousand things I'd rather tell you than that."

Genevieve stumbled.

"Steady now," Ray muttered next to Genevieve's ear as he caught and pulled her to his side. "Can't have you face-planting the ground."

Stomach tightening, Genevieve looked away. This smooth-talker. When she said nothing, Ray chuckled and held her hand once more.

It was hard getting used to this side of Raymond—how smoothly he adjusted to being her boyfriend, and his subtle and overt flirting.

I like it. I like it very much.

After speaking with the four-man security detail, they both entered the backseat. Genevieve was insanely grateful for Ray's dad's attempts to please her mum. Apart from the jet, he had insisted on sponsoring security to show his goodwill towards the senator. He also added to the relief materials Genevieve planned to donate to the IDP camp, again, as his goodwill towards the senator's 'philanthropic strides'. Genevieve immediately accepted the offer. And from the message she received when her network service returned, the relief materials would arrive about an hour after they arrived at the camp.

When the driver kicked the engine and switched the aircon to full blast, Genevieve moaned with relief. As much as she'd wished to see Chima, before afternoon tomorrow, both she and Ray would be out of here.

Feeling Ray's gaze on the side of her face, Genevieve opened an eye and glanced at him. That classic serious look was back. What now? Was this how it felt to date someone who previously held a position of authority over you? She was having problems merging Boss-Ray and Boyfriend-Ray in her head.

"You have that intense look in your eyes. What's the problem?"

"Be real with me. Do you prefer the code camp over returning to work with me?"

Opening both eyes, Genevieve gave Ray her full attention. "Why'd you ask? You fulfilled the terms of the contract. I have to go back to Dominic and Dimes."

"Forget the contract," Ray said as he massaged the bridge of his nose. "I'm asking what you want."

Well, I want you.

Biting the inside of her cheek to keep herself from grinning at her thoughts, Genevieve shook her head instead. "I loved my job at Dominic and Dimes. I only started disliking it when you came around." Not really... but really! Looks aside, Ray was a grinch at the office.

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