chap 2

17 1 1

You looked in the mirror as your brush glided smoothly through your brown hair, and fell out of the pink ends.

Kyojuro had asked for you to meet him at his training grounds at his house around noon, and you were glad to comply with his request. It was 11 00 now, so you had a fair amount of time before you set off in search of his residence.

The mirror reflected the image of you, and you tried your best to put on a confident expression. You watched as it faltered, and realized that maybe you weren't the best at putting on a false display of confidence.

You went to your bedroom and changed out of your pijama robe and into your training outfit, and draped your haori over your shoulders. Yesterday you had not been wearing the haori when you encountered him, so today would be the first time he saw you with it on.

His haori was almost a reflection of himself. The flames, just like his fiery personality and bright, illuminating smile. And his eyes that burned with determination and passion. Although you only looked into his eyes a few times yesterday, the sight of them had really stuck with you.

You finished getting yourself ready and set off to find his residence.


You had been walking for a few minutes, when you finally came across his household. It was a traditional japanese house, although much larger than the other neighboring houses. Your heart raced as you walked up the steps to knock on the door. Of course you kept your breathing under control, you needed to master total concentration breathing.

You balled up your fist and knocked gently on the door a few times. The door didn't open. You knocked again, and in a few moments your eyes were met with those of the flame hashira.

You gulped out of nervousness and looked up at him, but his smile reassured you.

"Ah, hello miss (last name). Im so glad you could make it, its a pleasure to see you again." he voiced kindly. His words also reassured you, his warm comforting aura was so pleasant.

"Hello, mr Rengoku." you said quietly and bowed, greeting him respectfully. You held you hands behind your back, another sign of respect as he nodded and led you through his house to his backyard. On the way, you saw a young boy that was a spitting image of kyojuro himself. You waved at the little boy, and he waved back.

"Oh, i see youve spotted by younger brother. Meet Shinjuro. He is the best little brother i could ask for." kyojuro said, standing behind his brother and placing his hands on Shinjuros shoulders. Shinjuro laughed and waved again, making you smile.

"My father also lives here, but im sure he will not leave his room." he said, his voice lower and darker than his usually energetic and positive tone.

"Hi there, my name is Y/N." you said, bending down to Shinjuro height. "Aren't you cute?" you said teasingly, and he shuffled his feet and looked down, embarrassed. Rengoku chuckled.

"Thats right, this girl here could possibly my next Tsuguko. I just have to make sure shes worthy of it first." Rengoku said jokingly, and then his brother laughed and darted off into a nearby room.

"Don't worry Y/N im sure your plenty capable. I have a feeling you will do great." he said.

"I will sure do my best, Mr Rengoku. I would want to fall short of your expectation, it would devastating because i am looking forward to your training in the future." you said as the both of you walked outside and into his training grounds.

"That is great to hear. I would love to have you as my Tsuguko." he said as he motioned for you to stay put in the middle of a dusty clearing. Then, he put quite a large distance between you both. You looked around and were confused by what exactly he was doing.

Kyojuro Rengoku x reader (TSUGUKO!)Where stories live. Discover now