Chapter 7: What are your intentions, Koski? (Gepard POV)

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“I knew you’d ask that. And honestly, you have every right to. The truth is, I like you. A lot. And I thought that if I made this night extragant enough then I would be able to convince you to do it again. But I guess I went too fast. Hehe…sorry for that,” Sampo says, looking a little bit disappointed and looking away.

I pant a little bit. If I have this correct, Sampo..likes me? All this time, I thought every little theft, every heist of his was made to aggravate me. And it was a ploy, but for my attention. So this crush I developed on him that I thought was stupid, isn’t really stupid after all. What he just said scares me a little, but is also a relief. I take a deep breath, then speak.
“Koski, look at me.” Sampo perks up, paying attention.
“ might have not been honest about ur intentions in the beginning, but neither have I. I agreed to this bc I wanted to see more of you. Bc…I like you too, Sampo.” Sampos eyes widen, his expression unwavering. “P-Prove it,” He says begrudgingly. “Is this enough proof for you,” I shout, and I walk to him until our faces are inches apart, and I kiss him. It takes a second for his lips to reciprocate as well. He gently pulls me closer. Uhm, I think I’ll have to thank Serval later. Definitely.

I let go. “Well?”
“Ahem yes that’s good proof. Maybe I could use some more-“
I cautiously move away from Sampo immediately. He wants more? We literally just confessed. That horny little-
“On second thought, could we do that a little later? This…is a lot for me to take in,” I admit.

Sampo pauses, then grins. “Of course. However, now that we have told our feelings to each other, does this mean we will start…dating?”
?! That didn’t even occur to me yet. Well, now that ik for Sampo is reciprocated, that seems like appropriate step. Sampo seems to notice my hesitation. He takes a step forward to me, and I cautiously take a step back. “I’m not going to do that,” Sampo reassures me again. He takes another step forward, and I stay frozen in place. He walks slowly, and a couple seconds later I’m wrapped in a hug. “We can take it slow, Gepard. I won’t rush u into anything if ur not ready.”
“We can date.”
Sampo ends the hug and looks right at me. “U sure?”
“Hehe, the uptight Captain made an exception!”
Ig I did. Sampo can be difficult sometimes, but I think he’s worth it. We leave the restaurant and he walks me up to my house. I’m about to go inside when Sampo grabs my arm. ??
“Since we’re dating, is it ok if I have ur number?”
I internally face palm. I’ve known Sampo several years and just bc he was a thief, I never thought to contact him., even to convince him not to steal in the first place. I’m so dense.

“uh sure.”
We exchanged contact details, we both said goodnight, and I went to sleep .Well, more accurately, I couldn’t fall asleep for a while. What happened tonight was a Rollercoaster of emotions for sure.

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