Chapter 11: For Gepard (Sampo POV)

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Gepard said today was his day off. And instead of being with him at this moment having a couples night, I told him I had to take care of something first before we could start. So he's waiting in his apartment, waiting for me to show up. Hehe...

Meanwhile, I'm going to that Jewelry store in Belobog and getting him a necklace. Truthfully it's a little early to get him a gift, but we've been dating now for almost a month and we still haven't gotten to the kissing stage. I don't want to push Gepard beyond where he's comfortable. We've only had one kiss so far as of dating, and I had to stop myself from giving him more kisses.

I haven't stopped my rulebreaker lifestyle, but this time I'm just gonna see the price. With my money, maybe I can it? Idkk

I enter the store confidently and I see a chandelier on the ceiling. There are 2 big shelves of every type of jewelry they own. In the corner of my eye I see a stunning silver necklace. My eyes widen with anticipation and I go up to the desk lady.
"Is that necklace there for sale?" I asked, pointing to it. The desk lady smiles.
"Yes, its an exquisite piece of jewelry. It can even be engraved. It can be bought for only 4,000 dollars."
I almost choked. "I-Is that so?"

"Is there any handsome man discount?" I said, flashing the lady a smile (forgive me Geppie).
"If there was, you wouldn't get it."I wanted to glare at the lady so badly. HOW DARE SHE SAY IM NOT HANDSOME. IM JUST HAVING A BAD HAIR DAY THAT'S ALL! I clear my throat.
"Is there any way I could purchase it now amd pay later?"
"Sir, if u don't have the money, you cannot get it." ARGHHHHHH. I didn't expect it to be that much up front. I don't have that much money saved up. The bills in my house are stacking up as well, so it's not like I can't start saving some buckaroonies now. Hmm, what cam I do to save money so I don't resort to stealing. This is harder than I thought..

Unless I move in with Gepard. Ofc I thought of it already bc were dating but despite knowing each other for years, we only started talking nicely like 1 month and a half ago. It's way too early to propose moving in. Plus, it'll be too tempting for thing to go further once we're in the same place. It might be dangerous.
Butttt this jewelry looks so beautiful and IK HE WOULD LOVE IT TOO!!!
"I'll be back," I said to the lady as I stumbled off. And just before I closed the door, I muttered "I'm stunning but ig u just have bad taste."

I walked the streets aimlessly. I knew i had to get to gepards apartments soon but I still hadent made a decision of i want to move ij or not, and i dont want to spring it on him if Im not sure. His surpised face is cute, though 😶. It started to rain, and my hair drooped down. I sigh. I wanted to treat Geppie right. Before I treated my dates for 2 weeks, then moved on to someone else. But this time I wanna do it right, cause...cause Gepard is different to me.

Suddenly I am shocked as I am covered by an umbrella, and the person that is holding it to me is Gepard himself. DAMMIT im not ready to ask him NOW-
Hehe...oh well.

"Ey geppie wassup?"

"I was just wondering where u were, you were gone a while," Gepard said as he walked me into his apartment. Looking at his adorable face was too much to handle. I should ask now before we start couples night.
Gepard went to the bathroom for a sec, and came wearing pajamas. Without his armor I once again saw his biceps. He's not making this easy for me one bit. My cheeks felt heated.
"Actually, before we start date night, I need to ask you something. It's...important." Gepards grin fades and he sits down. I do as well.
"Anything wrong?"
"Its not exactly that. It's just.." I almost choked up as I tried to get the words through. Hehe, commitment is not exactly one of my strengths.
"Can I move in with you?"

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