Chapter 43: Dating Drama

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Keeping a mandrake leaf in her mouth was not as hard as she thought, with the l spell she casted, it was stuck on the roof her mouth and it wasn't felt as much. Though, Adelaide actually couldn't wait for the time she could finally remove it. While she was doing this whole illegal unregistered animagus process with those boys, that by no means meant that they were friends, in fact, this was all for Remus. Adelaide would still bicker with them time to time, when they were on talking too loudly, bothering and hexing students, especially Severus, and her usual antagonism with Somerset remained. They were pretty much back as rivals and since Adelaide was back on track, the competition was fierce.

"What did you get?" Somerset asked her, while he himself guarded his transfiguration exam paper.

"A 100, of course! What did you get?" Adelaide told him coldly.

"Sadly, a 100. The same score as yours."

"Wow, how tragic!" Alice cut them off sarcastically. "God has a way of giving ungrateful people the best things, doesn't he?"

While their class was over, and they were packing up, Adelaide wanted to go somewhere and practice her Patronus. She definitely wanted to be able to cast a corporal one by the end of the month and so, she practiced everyday.

Then Adelaide saw Sirius and Marlene talking to each other, a bit too close than normal people who had conversations. Then Marlene turned on her heals and as they were walking outside the class she announced to all of them: "Sirius and i have been dating for a few days now, if you're wondering."

All of them gasped. Sarah shrieked: "My, the first one of us to date, is you! Congratulations."

"Well, if you ignore the situation-ship between Avery and Adelaide that is." Dorcas joked, gaining a glare from Adelaide.

"That's... nice to hear. I am happy for you." Lily said as she tried to give Marlene a big smile but failed.
After their conversation, Lily and Adelaide left for the orchard to sit with Severus.

"You don't seem that happy." Adelaide observed.

"Huh? Um, i don't know. It's just he is a big jerk and troublemaker and friends to that arrogant idiot. I don't really know how to feel. I am happy that she is dating and all, but the thing is... i don't think i can say i am thrilled that she had chosen him. Even though, if he makes her happy, i am alright with that. That's all that matters. Her happiness."

"Yeah. But then again, we can't really ruin our friendships because of some stupid boys, unless there is some behavioural change that is bad." Adelaide told Lily, thinking about her own situation.

Do they feel the same? When they see me with Avery? I mean, we are not dating and i don't like him that way. He definitely likes me as a friend. But even if... if something happened, would they be okay with it? He is a Slytherin and his father is that way, i will definitely see some change in their attitude.

But what shocked her, was how Marlene accepted dating him. It was definitely Sirius who asked her, since that day when they were in the bathroom, Somerset mentioned him asking a girl out. They might have become closer when he visited James on his quidditch practices, since Marlene was also in the quidditch team. But then again, it was random, for Marlene. Marlene was gorgeous herself, she already could see everyone staring at her and all, but the fact that she chose Sirius? She knew she had already rejected some boys... but then again none of them were really like Sirius. Sirius was beyond handsome and no one, even Severus could deny it. His curly hair that nearly reached his shoulders, his grey eyes that always had a mischievous twinkle and his graceful manner. Yes, he was one of the most handsome boys in their generation. Marlene never settles for less, that's what. Adelaide concluded.

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