|| Chapter 10: Kind and Gone ||

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It was an eerie silence in her room, Anthony sat on her bed and still held the same emotionless expression he had when he watched his father die. (Y/N) wasn't sure how to go about this situation. She had helped Alastor basically kill someone, something she wasn't wanting to be a part of.

"Am I next?" Anthony finally spoke, she immediately shook her head. Kneeling down in front of him and grabbing his hands, her heart dropped when she saw him flinch at this contact. 

"No, No. You aren't next." She tried to reassure him, but his brows furrowed at that statement. 

"Missus, you are new to this." 

He acted so mature; it made her hate this world even more. She was new to this, new to everything. Her existence in this very world was a crime, a curse that would destroy her very soul if she stayed. She sighed, "I might be, but it still doesn't make it okay."

The boy was silent now, the only noise being heard Mimzy shouting at Alastor for staining her floor and him reassuring her he would clean it. It was clear to (Y/N) that Alastor didn't intend to kill Henry there but instead let whatever emotion he was filling consume him. She glanced behind her, at her closed door as she remembered Alastor demanding to have Anthony. 

"Do you have any family that.. is what you would consider good?"

"My sister Molly."

Molly, if she remembered correctly Anthony loved his twin sister dearly. 

"Where is she right now?" She asked, however she noticed how he glared. 

"I ain't telling ya that." He spat, pulling his hands away. He was protective, so his reaction right now was understandable. After watching a man kill your father and try to demand for your life as well, it's only safe to assume the rest of your family is in danger too. 

"I won't let anything happen to your sister, but you can't stay here." She said, her arms falling back to her side as she stood up. She glanced at the window; it was still midnight. While she was banned from going anywhere without permission, she knew she couldn't let Anthony stay here. 

She walked over to the corner of her room, grabbing two coats, one black and one white. Each a hand me down from Mimzy herself. She slipped on the black coat and then stopped in front of him. 

"Put this on." She said holding the other coat out to him. He hesitated, slowly grabbing it and taking it away from her hand. 

"This isn't-" He began trying to avoid wearing clothing meant for woman, after all his father would never approve of it. Earning a sigh from the older female, she made him stand and dressed him in the coat. 

"It'd look nice on you. It's okay to dress in a more feminine manner sometimes. Other woman might be jealous because it suits you better." She said as she finished buttoning it, tapping his chest with her hand and smiling at him. 

"Why are you being this kind?" He asked suddenly, catching him and her off guard. She froze.

Why was she being this kind? Was it because she knew how his future would turn out. That she wanted him to try and enjoy whatever life he could before he became a sinner, one who had would his soul to Valentino. She couldn't change his fate, Alastor's, Mimzy's or her own. So why did she care? 

She smiled, but it was a sad one. "It doesn't cost me anything to be kind." She then walked to her window, slowly opening it. The harsh cold air immediately blew inside. Sending a chill down her spine. She glanced back behind her, Anthony shivering as he held his arms. She had to keep him warm. She looked at her makeshift closet and grabbed one of the scarfs off of it, she said nothing as she wrapped it around his neck. 

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