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As said in the rules, the criteria will be dependent on the judges. However, here are few parameters, they must consider -

                   𝘽𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙠

✨ Writing style
✨ Characters
✨  Plot
✨  Grammar and vocabulary
✨  Pacing
✨  Theme
✨  Creativity
✨  Execution

                  𝙒𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚

✨ Narration - It refers to how well the author has narrated the story, while also putting their input in the story but not being to obnoxious about it.

✨Description vs dialogues - It refers to the balance of descriptions and dialogue, and how smoothly they transition from one another.

✨Sentence Structure - It refers to the unique way of forming sentence structure, while being grammatically correct.

✨Diction - It refers to the word choice and consistency in vocabulary.

✨Creativity - It refers to how unique the execution and/or themes of the writing and author is.

✨Consistency in transition - How the author has transitioned one scene to another?

✨Imagery - It refers to the vivid description of the scene and how easily it is showing the narration through sensory details, instead of just telling the readers through a non-detailed narration.

✨ Literary devices - Use of analogies, metaphors, subtext, symbolism, irony, hyperbole etc.

✨ Tone - It refers to the relevancy of the writing style to it's genre. If it is consistently informal, humorous, dark, light etc, aligning with the mood of the scene and characters.

                 𝘽𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨

✨Development - It refers to how the character has developed with the developing plot and changes.

✨Arc - Character arc is how the characters shifted themselves after a particularly important incidence. It is different from character development as character development is the assessment of change in the character from beginning to the end, with change in plot. However, character arc is change in character after a particular incidence, with respect to not just beginning or end but an arc in the book.

✨Character Conflict - This refers to how the characters have responded to their internal and external conflicts, and how it changed their arc and development.

✨Relevancy - This is the balance of background characters and main characters and if few characters were even relevant to the plot, or provided a purpose in the storyline.

✨Design - It is the description of a character's personality, physical appearance, background, ideologies etc through dialogues, monologues and descriptions. It also indicates the unique voice by which a character speaks or behaves.

✨Motivation - It is the inner motives and goals of a certain character. Overall, this parameter indicates, having various characters with their motivations and how their motivations were elaborated in the book.

✨Relationship - This indicates how the characters have developed relationships, or existing relationships in the plot - can be positive, negative or complex.

                      𝘽𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙋𝙡𝙤𝙩

✨ Structure - The execution or organization of the storyline, can be linear, episodic or non linear but clear and relevant to the plot.

✨ Conflict - The main force of the plot which consists of character struggles, obstacles, dilemma etc. The conflict should be capable enough to shift the dynamics of plot and characters.

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