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I'll keep it short, a lot of the participants are unfollowing the rules and I don't understand the reason.

Today, some people followed me, then unfollowed and then followed again. This is not professional and not acceptable.

I rechecked and saw a lot of people were not following the rules, they were not following me or they didn't give shoutout or they didn't add it to the reading list. Is it too difficult to do these three things? I expect everyone to recheck their payments. I've been accepting few forms which did half payment, only because I thought the participant had low number of followers.

So, I'll give you guys a benefit of doubt. Do recheck and redo the payments if you haven't already. If you're found to be disobeying the simple three payments then I'll blacklist you guys.

I can't recheck all the time that you've done your payments or not. You do it, you undo it, how do I know? So, I haven't commented to everyone to do their payments but I will check everything once again and if you're found to not respect this platform then I'll not hesitate to blacklist you people.

I've been patient and polite enough to answer every question, every doubt which has been already explained several times but I didn't complain, and I will not complain. As usual, it's my job to solve your queries and confusions. Still, I guess, you all know how rude some hosts can be. I'm not doing that, but that doesn't mean that I can't. I'll not babysit few participants to complete their payments and all. I can direct you, guide you and solve your queries, doubts for things that are genuinely confusing but for payments???? It's not that hard.

One more time, I'll summarise your payments, if you undid them.

1. Follow Rosecherry2602

2. Follow sobuniest , if you're applying for BTS categories.
Also, Fleur, do tell me if someone didn't follow you.

3. Shoutout on message board.

4. Addition to public reading list

Also, sorry for those respectful angels who had to listen to this rude rant. I'm grateful for your honesty. <<<3

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