Hakki 5: A Girl And A Lie

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Ya fadel said the Salam as he ebter's Saraki's kitchen. He has been nursing a broken heart since the gurl he had dearly prayed would be his, has been married too early. And to someone who was not him!

Since the wedding fatiha, he had refused to speak to anyone who c9uld tell him who she married. He is too scared it was Prince Hardo. He could cut ties with anyone in this life, but Prince Hardo is the brother of his heart. It would hurt to see her everyday knowing that she belongs to someone else but him. The reminder, as he visits his best friend, would be bad.

He merely visits Prince Muneeb because he just wants some silent understanding. Prince Muneeb would understabd. And his silence is c9mforting in a way that tells the sufferer that he wasnt alone. Its his super power.

But then he says rhe Salam and the first person he saw is Amatu. She has her hands akimbo, and she is glaring at Saraki with her beautoful eyes....

Ya Fadel quickly says astagfurullab and rhenaverts his gaze. His heart is thundering so hard that he could not hear anything in his ears for a few secobds except a whooshing sound that merely indicates how madly the blood is rushing in his veins. The doom boom of his heart is just crazy...

He had to take a moment to collect himself. Impossible! Why is it Saraki! Oh why!

A part of his mind tells him that its because of his behaviour that he lost her. He has never before felt a need to serve his lord in manner and actions. He would appear the embodiment of good character in front of his elders, and then turn into a womanising party freak wheb rhey looked away.

He thought that getting good grades was how he would repay his parents for all of their efforts. He had thought that appearing as they wabt him to is the greatest sacrifice he could afford to do. He had also categorised women in his mind. He had thought that his parents would fibd the keepers for him. Those girls he would marry to procreate. But girls he liked would always c9me in different sizes abd race.

Yet he had gobe to the Palace a couple of days ago. And it was the day that they had begun the cultural engagement ceremony that was prelude to the wedding fatiha. And she was there...

Amatu is freaking beautiful! He has never ever met a girl that made him question whether or not he could be good enough for her. Seriously, he wasn't in the country when all the hassle of their failed marriage had happened. He did jot know that they had turned the marriage on Amatu. And that instead of them, it was Saraki that would be married now. Or that the girl wearing a slim fit dress in black is the girl celebrating her engagement! She looked like a wedding guest. And he has always known that Saraki's mother family had great looks. But he just didn't care really. And even when he knew her as a little girl, we'll, when she was littler than this, he has never before felt this overpowering need to protect her for himself!

It took away every shred of peace within him. And the moment he heard that she is the one getting married, his world shattered into bits and pieces. He did jot understabd the laws of love or how long he was required to nurse his 8njured heart. Nothing makes him happy now. He feels miserable and clueless. It is as of he was butchered with a knife and then thrown over a cliff. He was suspended in the air without any destination. That feeling if helplessness abd angst I what is killing his mood, along with every positivity in his life...

But the blows, it seems, just keeps coming.

She married Saraki of all people!

Saraki realized that soemthibg has to be wrong if Ya Fadel wasnt entering his kitchen to lord over it.

It slowly became c9ncern wheb Saraki realized that instead of head for the deep freezer, or the fridge, or even the leftover breakfast in rhe pot, Ya Fadel pulls out a chair and sits. Abd he isn't looking at them. He merely just closes his eyes and remains silent.

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