Hakki 11: Regrets

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Saraki arrives at Yerogoi and is pleasantly surprised to see a royal Palace car waiting to pick him up. How they knew he was coming is shocking on its own. But what's more than that is the fact that for the first time in his life, someone acknowledged that he was royalty.

He doesn't know what he feels about it. But the official acknowledgement, whether from deedah or his majesty, or even Ya Hardo, feels liberating.

He had to take a moment to calm his mind before he went in to see his majesty. Truth is, he wants to run to Deedah's just to see how Amatu has fared all night long. But he wants to observe tradition to be able to have a foothold where he could launch his case.

His Majesty is currently in his local traditional sitting room, where he usually occupies when he wants to think clearly.

There is nothing modern in the room except for a single bulb of light that comes through a lantern on the wall. So, the source of electricity is the only indication that the hasn't stepped inside a historical drama.

Saraki would wish to properly look at the walls and try to decipher history behind the animal skins and the weapons that decorates the walls but that would be rude if he were to do that now. It's always so serious when he is here. He is always trying not to tick his father off or get kicked out before he could properly give his greetings...

Respectfully, he greets his majesty by bowing his head, with both knees on the floor. His stance is humble as he uttered the words of praise and greeting as is customary.

'Barka da safiya ranka ya dade' he greets in his calm stillwater persona.

His majesty just keeps the silence and despite the people in the room, it's dead quiet.

Later, his majesty abruptly moves to stand, and while standing, the only indication that he was royalty is the moon shaped horn in his hand. He wore a simple but intricately patterned yard Although, it is neat enough to have demanded an expert tailoring, it did not take away fr9m its simplicity. This gives him a healthy look of grace.

So, he walks towards Saraki with deliberate strides. As he stood over his youngest son, his majesty pulls him up and he holds hom in such a way that they are facing each other.

Saraki has never been this close to him. It's unsettling. He feels quite overwhelmed honestly. His thoughts are displaced and he couldn't seem to react fast enough.

This big man who holds the power to make or change anything in Yerogoi, feels helpless as he cried at the sight of his youngest son.

For a moment, the thought that he was to protect, but he abused, gushes forward. The fact that he was to care, but he disregarded, cut through like a formidable weapon of war abd its victory for his enemies surely...

Again, he was a leader, someone others look up to, but he acted in a small mined way that took away his grace, his strength...

The feelings intermingled and clashes and gushed even more so that he was filled with a ringing sound in his skull that tells him he messed up. Bad. And the past happened already. There is no changing it. And if it somehow happens again, he has failed his entire family. Even now as he stared at his youngest son, feeling so sorry, he realized that he wasn't fit to lead if he could not even protect his child. Sima's child...

'Will you forgive a father who has never done anything to make you proud?' He questions. It feels deep and soothing to Saraki. It feels like a sort of vindication, and he feels his eyes fill with tears as well.

'A day in age impregnates the future to age' Saraki repeats what his mother said. In his own understanding, he adds simply 'I thought that when the future puts to bed, I will be died in red father. This is enough' he returns honestly, emotionally, but also, he still had the mind to sound encouraging, calming too, to ensure that his father knows that to see this day was really enough. It has to be. Nothing else can be done now except look forward to the future...

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