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The Deep State

There had been no truer statement than, “Ignorance is bliss.” and no greater invention than the first lie ever told.
Humans are masters of deception and trickery to the point of deceiving themselves becomes a mundane task done everyday without second thought.
Lies and falsehood, the devil's greatest gift to mankind also comes at a curse to those who are victims to it, in a world where it is as long lasting as the actual truth, the only way to live with it is to master its nature.

Or at least that's what they told me, what they told everyone when the world was at war with truth.
I sighed, maybe I've grown too old for this job already, after all philosophical ramblings are for men too old to do anything else in their lives.
Maybe I should write a book after I'm done with this godforsaken job, after all passive income never hurts.
The telephone sitting on my desk rang as I was lost in thought.

I picked it up.
“This is Laurence, Sir.”
I raised my brow in interest.
“Why are you calling this late?”
“Ah, I'm here to inform you that Stargate is confirmed, you have a lot of work to do this coming week, Sir.”
“Oh? More work than there is now?”
“I'm afraid so, guests are visiting 555 in the coming days, expect all the major departments to drop by to see the testing.”
“Are the engineers sure that the accident last time won't repeat?”
“They said that the chances are way lower.”
“Hah, really? I don't want any more, ‘government property’ suddenly getting sucked into thin air again, alright?”
“You got it, I'll make the engineers be in their best condition, and lastly some of our boys are coming home.”
“Ah, I remember that, is that all Laurence?”
“Aye Director Sir, I'll be going now, have a good night.”
“Same to you, deputy.”

I put the phone back down and sighed, I stood up from my paper-filled desk to go observe the full moon outside the tall glass windows, thinking that a brief moment of respite would help clear the head, but I paused for a bit, staring at my own reflection. An old man, wrinkled and wizened with thick brown glasses to match the remaining dark brown hair I have on my top that compliments the fact that my face resembles that of a famous actor, just slightly older, more rigid, more rough.

Outside the window below the astral body were massive gray concrete buildings that varied in design and shape built for different specific uses, all were in some form of brutalist, grey concrete architecture as wide roads lead to each distinct construction. Hangers and runways of different vehicles could be seen in the far off distance as a massive concrete wall surrounded the enclosed compound, but it would be more accurate to call the thing a fortress, one of the only thing identifying the facility is a metal sign board that is stuck to one of the walls of a larger building compared to the rest, it read out “Area 555, United States of America.”

Sighing, I sat back down, taking the phone in my hands and typing in a set of numbers
The phone rang for a bit until someone picked it up.
“This is Grant Goodman.”
“Sir Director? what do you have for me?”
“Secretariat Juno Oswald, I apologize for the late call, I know you're still getting used to the job, but duty always calls no matter the time, doesn't it?”
“I-I understand Sir, what do you want me to do?”
“Prepare a compiled list of all relevant information about the Stargate project, some guests are taking a field trip at 555 in a couple days time, and I mean what I said about only gathering relevant info, you get me?’
“Got it, is that all Sir?
“One last, some of our agents are coming home. I've heard your friends were one of em, so I figured you should take care of their arrival party, after all these brave men and women need some celebration after being behind enemy lines for so long, am I right?”
“I agree sir, I'd be happy to be in charge of them.”
“Good, then you'd better start preparing Oswald, after all Stargate is now confirmed, that should get you a little excited.”
The voice on the other end chuckled softly.
“Yes Sir, that's gotta be the only piece of exciting news I got all month.”
“Oh I agree, then I'll get going, take care of yourself.”
“Goodnight Sir.”

I put the phone back down, I took my glasses off to rub my eyes and the drowsiness off a little, unfortunately, I knew that won't clear the stacks of paper lying on my desk.
Work had been doubling every month ever since that damn crystal crash landed and the CIA had been pulled into its mess.
I sigh again, well these papers won't clear themselves would they?
So I sat back and took my pen and focused on one document that read out “Approval list of people to work in ‘StarGate’, Scientists, Engineers, Mecha-”
I simply skimmed it through, other documents were waiting after all. After finally being finished looking through and giving my signature to some of them I felt as if my soul was leaving my body.
“Great God above, make damn sure this StarGate thing will be worth it at the end.”


(Arknights is not owned by me)
Another Fantasy World x Earth Crackfic that I got from my sleep paralysis demon, oh btw this would be a alternate universe earth where the cold war went for far longer than it did IRL. Unlike other earth isekai fics where tanks and entire armies are transported, this would be a different approach.

Chapter 1 should be out in a few hours.

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