Chapter 1 : Let there be light

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“How does it feel to be back home Snafu?”
"Juno" Oswald's distinct voice Echoed through the empty plane hanger.
“Was havin’ a great party, then you came and fetched me back home, man what's your problem?”
A man with short dark hair, a clean shaven face, bristly eyebrows and striking eyes replied with a sarcastically annoying tone of voice.

“C’mon Merriel, I'm sure you were tired of drinking green tea and eating dogs in
“Beijing? I was stationed in Hong Kong! And what's up with those dumb stereotypes, was too busy starvin’ to eat anything!”
Oswald laughed as he patted his friend's shoulder.
“Anyhow, Glad to see you still in one piece Merriel.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, ain't no Chinese KGB getting my ass just yet, those fuckers could go fuck themselves for all I care, KGB knock-offs.”

“Calm down Merriel, we beat the KGB years ago.”
“I think their own economy beat them back at 09, not your sorry ass, also it's been a long time since someone called me by my actual name, is my cryptonym getting changed or some shit?”
“Nah, just thought it'll be funny, thought your goldfish memory would forget your own damn birthname.”
“Says the guy who doesn't even know where I was stationed.”
“Hey! I was kidding back there!”

Snafu and Oswald walked out the hanger, talking and joking while at it. The two old pals reach a car just parked outside the hangar. Oswald goes in the driver seat and Snafu in the back.
“Wow, nice car huh? How much taxpayer money did you steal to buy this bitch?”
“I stole and used your entire paycheck for the year, of course.”
“Mother Fucker.”

The two pass a tall barbed wire fence, after notifying a guard, the gate opens and they pass through it.
“Alright, I'll give you some time to wind down. Booked a hotel for you nearby, it's quite expensive too.”
“Well, where's your ass going?”
“Me? Going straight back to Genesis right after dropping you off.”
Snafu raised his brow.

“Ah, some folks started calling 555 Genesis, the name stuck as an unofficial nickname.”
“Oswald, I've been sweating my ass off in Hong Kong, keepin' eyes on those MFs, for what? About 4-5 years now?”

Oswald nods his head.
“Last I came by 555, it was full of yellow hats and concrete bags, what came of it?”
“The state was looking for a space to build their damn portal. What better place to put it other than the largest CIA base in the states that already has the appropriate infrastructure due to it developing top secret tech for us in the cold war?”
“Fuck man, I forgot that damn area was more of a mad scientist’s lab rather than a CIA facility.”
“See? Goldfish brain.”
“But why Genesis? They made the space rock portal work? Didn't the last time they tried it, the prototype sucked in a poor guy's laptop?”
“I remember that, it also took his glasses, didn't it? It's been so long but we still haven't even got a clue on where they are.”
“Tell me, what's really going on in there?”
Oswald merely chuckles.
“Just wait and you'll see.”

The two reached the hotel in a small town near the area.
“Right then, off you go Snafu.”
“Fucking CIA man, served the US of fucking A for years and the best they got is a 1 day break in a shitty hotel in a small town.”
“Wooah! Didn't I tell you the hotel was quite expensive? Don't worry, I saw from their ads that they have a pool, a pretty big one as well.”
“An agent of the state getting info from an advertisement, they should've kicked your ass from the agency years ago.”
Oswald laughs, as Snafu opens the door out of the car.
“Ok, I got somewhere I need to be, everything that you need to know is already in your room, just give them this.”
Oswald hands Snafu a piece of paper and car keys as he leaves the vehicle.
“See you at Genesis tomorrow at six, right, Snafu? Oh and before I forget there's a car for you at the parking lot in the morning.”
“Yeah yeah, I get it, see you tomorrow.”
Both waved their goodbyes before Oswald drove off in his car. Leaving Snafu at the hotel’s entrance.

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