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Jacob pulls up into Riley's driveway.
Jacob: woah I didn't think her house would be this nice needless to say a two story farmhouse style house.  I love farmhouse style houses.
Riley walks out
Jacob gets out of his car
Riley: yay!!
Riley runs up to Jacob.
Jacob: well hello to you to Riley.
Nice farmhouse style house.
Riley: I have a confession. I took this job cause I looked into the school saw you work there so I applied and got it. The whole thing with Lukas was an act I asked him to act like he was breaking up with me we were already broken up for 3 weeks. It was a mutual decision. We both lost love for one another. He was wanting to win Kiera back and I was wanting to win you back. I know how much you like farmhouse style houses so I ended up buying one.
Jacob: omg Riley you're still the sweet girl I knew and love still. Our high school grade is right we are made for each other.  I am never letting  you go Riley.  Yeah we need to keep it professional when at work. As we both know. But we could drive together to work. Quality time before  work.
I didn't quite see what car you drive.
Riley: oh I drive a 2024 bmw X5
Jacob: oh wow that's so awesome.
Riley: yeah my old car was crap pooped out so i was like you know what I should get s Luxury car I deserve it.
Jacob: I'm so due for a new car. But teacher salaries aren't enough where I could afford a new car.
Riley: oh about that. I bought you a car on carvana today.
Jacob: omg really?? How are you Able to afford all of this??
Riley: when my grandpa passed away 4 years ago he had a successful manufacturing company that my family closed down cause he passed away my mom and her brother ended up asking around would anyone want the company inheritance money. My siblings turned it down my uncles kids did also which I'm like why would you turn down money. Then came me and I said heck yeah I'll take it. His business was worth a lot of money. So yeah that's why Jacob. I could technically retire by now
Jacob: then why don't you retire?
Riley: cause I love what I do. And plus I got my first love back who's gotten hotter over the years. He gonna be spoiled.
Jacob: aww Riley you don't have to.
Riley: it's okay Jacob I love you. And with you is where I wanna be.

Somethings stay the same and some change can be good. (Abbott Elementary story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα