Chapter II || Your New Personal Assistant!

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//This chapter mostly consists of content from KinitoPET, the first 30~ minutes or so. You can still read it dont worry there's a lot of changed stuff. Just warnin' in case some wanna skip it (Its not worth skipping pls!!! I tried my best to add stuff!!!)

//If you haven't played KinitoPET, stop reading this and go play it. It takes around 2 hours to fully complete it.

I would stare at the old computer in the corner of my room as I laid in my bed, thinking about what I saw. Even though that was a week ago. I still have that application in my head, curiosity was eating away at me. I really just want to see if it's actually real.

The moon would slightly glisten through my window, as I got lost in my thoughts. My mind being completely empty, as in zero literal thoughts inside that brain.

I would gaze into the distance, slowly zoning out. It was the middle of the night anyway, might as well check it out. I would sluggishly get up from the bed, groaning mid-way as my eyes were still half asleep, my body didn't want to wake up, but my mind was the exact opposite.

I sneaked over to the PC as I did everything that I did for the first time when I cleaned up the PC, making sure not to knock anything in the process due to the immense darkness.

I was already loud enough. I didn't want to wake my father up. He deserves that sleep after what happened to him. I stretched a bit, so I didn't feel like an old grandpa trying to stand up for the first time after 20 years.

I have no honest to god idea why but ever since I came back to this household I've been growing... More prone to feeling guilt, I guess? I feel bad, I feel bad for everything I've done.

I mean, yeah, I'm basically a weight on my dad's shoulder, not like I don't do anything. It's just that sometimes I feel like I should just leave soon, the sooner I get out of here the better.

Sitting on the chair as I did a couple of deep breaths, expecting to be fucking startled at any moment as I turned on the pc. The fans whirred to life again. The fans started whirring louder, or was it just my imagination?

'What if that weird ass encounter was just all a dream? I mean, come on, there's no absolute way that an application that's just a psychological horror game that was created like... Uhm... This year, I guess? Just magically appears on a PC that hasn't been turned on ever since 2005.'

'What if it's like... just a JPEG? I mean, that still wouldn't make sense how it appeared there. There's no way my dad is actually trolling me. He barely knows how to operate his mobile phone.'

If I was panicking and worrying over an idiotic JPEG, that would make me so embarrassed, like, who does that? But would it even be possible to change a JPEG into an executable on old ass PCs like these?

So many questions would fill my mind as the PC slowly booted up, I was met with the password menu. In response, I stared at it as the password that my father told me not so long ago just disappeared out of my mind.

'Uh, yeah. Great job Y/N.... Uhhm- Fuck. What the hell was it again?' I would scratch the back of my head trying to remember, which I failed miserably. 'Great... Oh the great Y/N has completely forgotten the password!'

"Okay, cool. Uhm, I guess I'm just going to start guessing." I shrugged as I started hard-guessing the password, trying the most commonly used passwords.

17 minutes in, I would groan, tapping my table. Rolling my eyes as I smashed my keyboard a couple of times before pressing enter, to my fucking surprise it actually worked.

"WHAT?!" I would yelp out as I almost fell out of my chair, before silence crept in as I looked at my door, listening for footsteps or anything. My dad was still strict with the 'sleeping' thing.

"Trial And Error." || Kinito X M!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن