Chapter III || Keep on running, It'll still bite you in the ass.

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Tick tock, tick tock.

The clock in my room ticked, as I groaned, shuffling around in my bed, mumbling random crap into my pillow as my brain was still slowly waking up.

As I slowly sat up, I'd slowly blink as I scratched my head, deeply exhaling as I'd smack my lips a couple of times. My throat was dry as hell, I needed to drink something NOW.

I'd stand up before I ventured my way into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, saying water to myself over and over and over in my head as I took a big gulp of the water, it felt like every single problem just disappeared.

"Maaann... I LOVE, water." I spoke out loud as I put the glass onto the dish dryer or however they were called, my just woke-up brain completely forgot. The thingies or whatever.

I would soon walk back to my room to get dressed and get ready for the day, before my phone  started buzzing abruptly. But from where? I had no idea. I looked around, groaning aggressively because I couldn't find it, before finally looking under my bed and finding that buzzing son of a bitch.

Accepting the call, I put the phone up to my ear as I used my shoulder as support, so I could use both of my hands to get ready. "Yuh? Who dis, new phone."

"Heya kiddo! How'ya doin'?" My dads voice came from the phone as I got a bit startled, continuing to get ready before I thought of a response, so I didn't have to fuck up everything. "Yeah, I'm doing alright, I guess. What's up? Where are you?"

"Aahhh... Nothin' Just the usual business meetings like always... I left ya a note on what you're supposed to buy, if your lazy ass wants to, at least." I rolled my eyes at that response, he wasn't lying but I'm not as lazy as I used to be.

"Oh come on, you know that I'll always try to help. So you don't kick my ass out, and I don't become homeless." Chuckling to myself as I marched into the kitchen to find the list that my dad left, It was pretty long, as I scoured through it, I could hear my dad laughing through the phone.

"Ya better watch out... I might change my mind any second! Hahaha- Anyway, I'll see ya soon, alright? Take care champ." I smiled as my shoulders dropped a bit, sighing loudly as I gained the courage to speak up again. "Yeah... Love you, be safe, alright?"

"I will, don't ya worry 'bout a thing." That was the last thing he said before I hung up, grabbing the list and shoving it into my pocket before I headed off to the bathroom to splash some water on my face to get ready mentally for the adventure of searching in the infinite maze at my local supermarket...

I turned on the sink as I splashed hot water over my face, which ran down onto my shirt, staining it a bit, before I looked at myself in the mirror, groaning. My eyes fixated on the bruise I got a couple of days ago because of that flashlight, this thing is the only reason I believe that shit wasn't a dream or some kind of drug experience.

"I am not turning on that PC ever again, shits fucked up." I spoke as I turned off the sink water, grabbing a towel to dry my face and hands as I yoinked one of my hair ties to tie my long curly hair into a ponytail, as soon as I was done with that I headed out.

Grabbing my winter coat and winter boots, I'd make sure to check everything in my pockets. I had to backtrack to the kitchen for the wallet because I left it on the counter. "Don't worry Y/N... It's just going out... And probably meeting some of your old friends on the way! If they recognize you!"

"Not that big of a deal." I kept on talking to myself like a crazed lunatic, it was what I do now. It keeps me comforted in a way? I have no absolute idea, it was nice though.

I slowly opened the door as the cold breeze hit my face, it was cold as hell. No shit, it was the middle of January. I stepped out as I closed the front door behind me, making sure to fully lock it with the keys in my other pocket.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 10 ⏰

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"Trial And Error." || Kinito X M!ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang