Chapter 9 : Into the unknown: lost in time ( part1)

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As the enigmatic figures loomed closer , Seventeen stood frozen in disbelief, their eyes locked on the figures as they examined them carefully. They were clad in traditional armour. They looked like ancient soldiers. Each one bore a sword at their side , while seventeen found themselves unarmed, their hands empty and hearts racing with trepidation.

Seventeen exchanged bewildered glances, their hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and curiosity. They have never encountered anything like this before, and the sight of the soldiers in ancient attire sent shivers down their spines.

Without warning, the soldiers drew their swords in unison , the sound of metal slicing through the air like a deadly whisper. The soldiers came forward with the purpose of attacking them.  Seventeen stepped back , their eyes darting around in search of a way to defend themselves. With no time to waste Seventeen sprang into action.

Mingyu's voice rang out above the chaos, his tone laced with disbelief. "WHAT IN THE WORLD......." He shouted, his arms raised in a futile attempt to shield himself from the onslaught of swords .

Seungkwan, his eyes wide in fear , struggled to comprehend the situation

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Seungkwan, his eyes wide in fear , struggled to comprehend the situation.  "Who are these people?" He cried out , his voice barely audible above the clamor of the fight .

Scoups , ever the leader, sprang into action, his mind racing as he assessed the situation

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Scoups , ever the leader, sprang into action, his mind racing as he assessed the situation. " PROTECT JI SUN !". He commanded , his voice cutting through the chaos like a Clarion call .

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