Chapter 9: Master Zhang's kiss

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The next morning, Fang Duobing wandered around the inn, a plate of the fox spirit's favorite meal in his hand. He wanted to thank the creature for bringing help that saved them all. But as he searched, he couldn't find the fox spirit or Li Lianhua anywhere.

He asked his assistants, but they only knew that Li Lianhua had left earlier and followed after him. They said Li Lianhua headed towards the forest, but they lost sight of him after that.

"Where did he go so early in the morning?" Duobing's thought, "Lets get moving to next city we have another case."

On the other side, 

Li Lianhua made his way to visit his master's grave, seeking solace in the memories of his childhood and the teachings of his beloved mentor.

"Master, I wish you were here now," Li Lianhua whispered softly, as he stood before the grave, he reflected on his journey from a young boy under his master's care to a skilled martial artist.

"Thank you for everything, Master. I'll make you proud," he vowed silently.

He made a solemn promise to his master to find the remains of his senior and give him a proper burial next to the master's grave. "I won't rest until I fulfill my promise to you," he murmured, determination shining in his eyes.

With a heavy heart, he paid his respects and departed, but his thoughts were soon interrupted by the murmurs of gossip he overheard along the way.

"The old tomb, you say? What happened there?" Li Lianhua inquired, intrigued by the villager's tale.

The passerby nodded solemnly. "A few days ago, there was an earthquake, and it opened up the Yipin tomb. They say there's treasure inside, but anyone who dares to venture in never comes back alive."

Li Lianhua's eyes widened with interest. "A treasure, you say? And what of this monster?"

"Some say it guards the tomb, while others believe it's the spirit of those who tried to claim the treasure," the villager explained, his voice tinged with superstition.

"By the way can you tell me is there any black market selling antique's nearby?"

"Wei's Manor." the passerby replied.

"Thank you," Li Lianhua acknowledged with a nod. "Wei's Manor, you say? Is it far from here?"

"Just up the mountain," the man replied, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the towering peak.

Li Lianhua's eyebrows raised with interest. "Sounds intriguing," he remarked, mentally noting the location. As he approached the gate guarded by two imposing figures, Li Lianhua felt a tinge of apprehension. Nonetheless, he squared his shoulders and prepared to enter.

"The rules require a deposit of 100 taels for entry," the guards informed Li Lianhua, their expressions stern.

 "But 100 taels seems a bit steep." He glanced at his wallet and sighed at the meager amount it contained. As he turned to leave, a sudden commotion caught his attention.

An elderly man swiftly approached, his gait steady despite his advanced age. Without a word, he handed over 200 taels to the guards, effectively covering Li Lianhua's deposit. Surprised and grateful, Li Lianhua watched as the man disappeared into the crowd without a second glance.

"Well, that's unexpected," Li Lianhua muttered to himself, a mix of curiosity and suspicion lingering in his mind. With his deposit paid, he proceeded through the gate into the market, determined to uncover the mysteries hidden within.

Li Lianhua proceeded further into the market, where he encountered another gate guarded by two individuals. Showing them the token he had obtained from a dying patient – who happened to be a renowned tomb raider – Li Lianhua was granted entry.

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