Chapter 13: The Cursed Wedding Dress

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The next morning, Li Lianhua and Di Feisheng arrived at Cailian Manor and knocked on the door. A frighteningly old woman answered and demanded to know why they were there. Li Lianhua explained they were investigating the death of the brides.

As the housekeeper began to shut the door in their faces, a sudden voice echoed from within. "Let them in, they're my assistants," Fang Duobing's voice commanded.

Li Lianhua and Di Feisheng exchanged glances before being granted entry. Stepping into the courtyard, they were greeted by a stunning array of lotus flowers, their vibrant colors painting the scene with beauty.

As they took in the serene surroundings, their attention was drawn to a figure seated amidst the lotus blooms. Long hair, a slender waist, and delicate hands caught their eyes, prompting Di Feisheng to exclaim, "What a beauty!"

However, their admiration turned to surprise as the person turned their face into view. "It's that annoying kid," Di Feisheng muttered under his breath, his expression shifting from awe to irritation whereas Li Lianhua remained transfixed by Fang Duobing's appearance, seemingly unaffected by Fei's change of mood. 

Li Lianhua straightened himself as Fang Duobing approached them, adorned in a beautiful silk robe. Fang Duobing's hair cascaded loosely, with a ribbon swaying in the wind, causing Di Feisheng to momentarily question whether he was encountering a slender girl instead of a man.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Fang Duobing demanded, his face twisted with irritation as he approached them.

"We've come to assist you," Li Lianhua offered, hoping to earn Fang Duobing's trust.

Fang Duobing burst into laughter. "You're funny. You almost had me," he scoffed, his skepticism evident in his tone.

Suddenly, the master of the manor, Guo Qian, arrived on the scene. "You said you would be investigating this case alone, yet you have called them. Who are they?" he inquired, his gaze shifting between Fang Duobing and the newcomers.

Fang Duobing turned around and bowed respectfully. "They are my assistants. They are here to help me with the case," he explained, his tone respectful.

"Very well, but do not involve too many people in this matter. I do not want word of it spreading," Guo Qian cautioned, his voice stern.

After their discussion with the master in the hall, and a brief respite with some tea, the trio, filled with a mixture of determination and trepidation, decided to explore the courtyard further.

"It's a haunting tale," Li Lianhua began, his voice low. "They say the brides were all wearing the same wedding dress, a beautiful gown rumored to be cursed."

Fang Duobing's brow furrowed in concern. "Cursed? How so?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Li Lianhua glanced around nervously before continuing. "Legend has it that the dress was crafted by a vengeful seamstress, using fabric tainted by the tears of a heartbroken bride. Anyone who wears it is said to be doomed to suffer a tragic fate," he explained, his voice tinged with unease.

Fang Duobing's expression darkened as he absorbed the grim details. "So, you believe the curse is responsible for their deaths?" he asked, his voice tinged with skepticism.

Li Lianhua nodded solemnly. "It's hard to say for sure, but the pattern is too uncanny to ignore. Three brides, all drowning on their wedding day, wearing the same cursed dress," he replied, his words hanging heavy in the air.

Di Feisheng shook his head. "I'm not particularly interested in solving the case of the brides. What I want to know is the whereabouts of Shi Hun," he interjected, his tone resolute.

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