☀ The Sun and The Moon ☪

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    I was walking from my house after a long day of work, when I saw an orange tail sway in an allay way. Out of curiosity, I stop in my tracks, and head into the dark allay. A look around, and there it was, a orange dog with a necklace that had a sun on it, and a purple cat with a moon necklace, holding eachother with a fearful gaze in their eyes.

  "Hey, what are you two doing here jn the cold?" I say, as soft as possible, as I kneel down and reach my hand out too the little critters.

   After a long while, the dog slowly walks up and sniffs my hand, followed by the cat as well.

I slowly move my hand up to pet the sunny dog, and he flinches a bit, before allowing me to pet his head. The cat waits for a bit, before doing the same.

"Its pretty cold out here, hop my bag, ill take you home where it's warm, what do you say?" I asked them with a gentle and welcoming tone.

"O-ok!" The dog says with his tail wagging, as he allows his feline friend to hop in first.

On the way to my house, I hear the dog talking to the cat, but the cat never responded. I thought nothing of it, and unlocked the door to my house and closes it behind me, letting the two smiling creatures out of the bag and onto the floor.

  "So, what's your names?" I ask politely, since I don't want to ever use a rude tone when speaking to them.

  "I'm Dogday!" Shouts Dogday, as his tail flicks back and fourth rapidly.
"And this is Catnap! He doesn't talk much though, only on the weekends for some reason..."

"I understand" I say as I pet the quiet cat as he purrs.

  "You two are awfully dirty, time for a bath!"

"Bath? What's a bath?" The dog asks while tilting his head to the side.

  They don't know what a bath is!? I just can't imagine what they have been though... 

I shook off the negative thought of what they went through, and picked them both up and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

  I gently placed the two next to me, and make the water nice and warm, with bath toys and bubbles. I began to gently pick up the sunny dog, who loved being held, and placed him in the tub as he swam around happily.

I do the same with the cat, but he attempted to escape and groaned when I grabbed him and placed him in the tub. He watched as Dogday played happily but didn't dare do the same.

After I finished washing and drying them, which was a pain with Catnaps escape attempts, I sat then on the table and made them some eggs and bacon, which Dogday ate in seconds while Catnap took his time.

I could tell they were happy, but tired, so I picked them up and put them in my bed, as I laid in the middle of them both.

Dogday climbed up onto my stomach and curled up into a ball as he slept, while Catnap laid next to my waist, and we all slept.

(551 words)

POV: you adopted the smiling critters! (2 by 2 tho..)Where stories live. Discover now