I Did Not Save Us, Althea

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Do you still have the jacket
I gave you last October?
I know, you do, in your closet
Can you keep it longer?

April was the date
I used to remember
When the string of fate
Tied myself through thee

Marvelous moments
Catching up together
The way you understood me
And my mortal enemies
We talked about them
Cursed them 'til death
Until you helped me
Moved on, with them

Lucky to me, inevitable love begins
Unbeknownst to me, palpitated heartbeat
First time I've ever encountered
Feels like my crater filled in
With you, my loneliness disappeared

The letter I wrote to you back in 2019
I hope you remember those memories
It was the last glittering letter, had existed
Before I could raise my flag to give in

Our love for almost two years
Two summers, hopes in forever
Matching pinks, we wore in that day
Funny how you almost forgot me
And my sixteenth day of existence
We were there, exchanging jackets
Martirez street, we walked together
Under the trees, chasing pavement
Look how nostalgia got me into tears
Right when the next day, you disappeared

Times I know I can perpetuate
The feelings I can't hide in thee
I yearned for this love to be preserve
Never thought that it ends to be -
Something catastrophic, being annihilated
The stars aligned between us, vanished
Our turmoil significant house tarnished
Times I knew, too much for being betrayed
Illuminating darkness once more, caused by fate
From the text messages you yelled for help
From my oblivious mind, I cannot decipher
The hidden messages, you tried to convey
I can't believe how that turns to be traumatic
Another guy happens to ring on your doorbell
Asking you an offer - the means of getting married
While I was in my phone, trying to put all the pieces -
Of a puzzle, I wished I could at-least assimilate
Right when the time runs out, I gave up on everything

I can't fight my love with the fate that was written for us
For I have no match on battling to stay put and fight for us
I apologize if I already gave up from the love that we have
I have to choose my path and career, since I'm the only one -
Who can make things right for my family, being their assets
I wish I was that strong to barge into your door and say,
"I'm her boyfriend, she can't marry a person she never met.
Because truly, she never loves that person as much as she loves me"
Regretfully saying, I've missed the boat to express my ideal sentiments

I did not save us, Althea
Thousands of rues about that
I did not save us from our relationship
I'm sorry that I raise my flag, conceding defeat
At-least I have loved you, for almost two years

My Midnight Thoughts: Things I Have In Mind, People Don't KnowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora