Chapter 2: Marines Vs. Invaders

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Grey studies for a moment before replying, "Mm... maybe... if they weren't holding formation."

"Come again?" urges Fisher.

Grey hands the binoculars back, saying, "THAT, Corporal, is a formation."

Before Fisher can confirm or deny, the objects divert, losing ionization as they quickly race downwards upon the city. They seemingly streak down in a blur of blood-red metal.

All nightmares of the last week are confirmed though, when the objects suddenly bank into a sharp plateau, leveling out in a holding pattern directly over the city buildings.

The entire platoon is aware of the entities. They all watch in astonishment as the strange vessels hover over the city. They aren't abundantly large; possibly about the size of a navy destroyer. But, troop landing craft are best fast and agile if possible.

Doors on the strange-looking craft open, and specks rain from the sides toward the ground. Simultaneously, the trance-shattering event occurs; a flash from something beneath one of the craft sends a blue bolt to the ground. A violent and fiery explosion follows. Within seconds, the world falls apart.

The first blasts reach the marines as a continuous storm of fire pours from the undersides of the crafts. Smaller red flashes follow in greater numbers. And yet, the stunned silence holds the platoon of marines.

Lieutenant Colonel Hitch can be heard muttering, "Th-this can't be..."

Chief Master Sergeant Clements, a veteran of many middle-eastern conflicts, shouts, "Colonel!"

Hitch shudders back to life, glancing at the senior enlisted man with a deer in the headlights glance. Clements barks, "Recommend counterattack!"

The Lt. Col. Stares at him, blinking twice. Hancock doesn't want to think about the wavering pitch of noise that could easily be attributed to mass screams of terror, mixed into the distant chaos.

Hitch stammers softly, "I... I..."

Lieutenant Hornady, similarly a combat veteran and a prior enlisted, bellows at the top of his lungs, "LAUNCH COUNTERATTACK MARINES! THOSE ARE AMERICANS! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? GO! GO! GO!"

Hancock follows the voice he is meant to follow; Sergeant Grey calls out, "Romeo! With me! Let's move!"

The city perimeter is about two miles down a hill, and the marines pile instinctively into transport trucks. They've drilled this exercise many times.

As the trucks race closer down the highways, Hancock is certain of what the scream-like sound is. It will haunt him for the rest of his life. It is exactly what it sounded like.

Marines pour into the city via trucks, avoiding fleeing civilians and abandoned or occupied vehicles in gridlock. When the trucks can go no further, the infantrymen pour out, storming the opposite direction of the civilians fleeing past them. The blasts from the alien weapons pierce the air shrilly, tingling Hancock to his bones.

Sergeant Grey leads the squad down an alleyway to avoid pedestrians. But, he suddenly stops. He whispers sharply, "We're all we got, Marines. We know how this ends. Who's in the city?"

Dumas replies, "What are you talking...?"

"Your FAMILIES," hisses the sergeant. "Tanya's at the gates. Who do you have that we can save?"

The marines grimly look at each other. Dumas shakes his head, "No one, Sarge."

Fredericks adds softly, "No one, Sarge." Fisher whispers, "My husband's a marine, Sarge. Third Platoon."

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