Chapter 7: Plans A, B, and C; Battle for the Right to Escape

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~Humanity may not have been the first sentient race to ascend to the stars. They're not even the most advanced race. Desperation drove humanity to flee their homeworld, driven away by ferocious invaders and a devastating scorched earth response intended to reel the invaders back.

With no solid target worlds available, the human survival fleet of a handful of spaceships stayed together, travelling as a migrant flotilla to pool resources and continue advancing.

Centuries of society and war have taught humanity many things about itself. Collectively, they make mistakes, but then, they have a more powerful trait; survival. Humanity is intuitive, fierce, and driven, desperate to survive and carry on.

War and death don't weaken humanity. They have created something special in a sentient race. They give humanity a higher threshold for survival.~

One week has passed since the incident on the Polonia. The fleet is flying headlong, attempting to gain distance from the alien fleet while a battle strategy is formulated.

Russell Right, the creator of G-sink, is working on the alien technology stolen from Earth, doing his best with his team of scientists to reverse engineer the technology. They already have some understanding of the alien power systems, but that's about it so far.

Hancock, Kenzie, and Tanya are sitting together in the hangar bay, with Little Bird sitting in Hancock's lap helping him clean his rifle as he teaches her the parts. Sergeant Grey, Fisher, Fredericks, and Dumas are nearby, gently stretching to help their recovering muscles as they drink coffee.

So far, the best strategy the marines have, given what's known about the alien warships, is for the small teams to board the ships, damage life support, and then rupture the hull. The woman that was with Russell Right, Doctor Levine Lopez, has been working tirelessly on intrusion software to identify the ship's design and potentially allow the human fleet to capture the data they need and send the 'captured' ship into oblivion, drawing the alien fleet on a goose chase.

The problem is, the assault team will have to fight their way into the heart of an enemy ship AFTER it discovers the fleet. It's only been a matter of time so far. The marines are waiting in tension for a distant signal warning of a Grim Reaper-like arrival.

They're as ready as they can be. Traps are in place. The fleet is moving. All they can do is wait.

Little bird squeaks, "Rookie... Do you think... any bunnies made it onto the ships?"

"Bunnies?" asks Hancock, surprised. She hums and nods, scrubbing the bolt assembly with a toothbrush. Hancock replies, "Huh... that's a good question. If not, I suppose you and me will have to keep our eyes out for some space bunnies, huh?"

Little Bird looks up at him, asking hopefully, "You really think there are space bunnies?"

Hancock smirks, saying proudly, "I won't give up looking until we find some." Little Bird relaxes, sitting back against his chest. She asks more grimly, "What if the monsters try to hurt the space bunnies?"

Kenzie offers playfully, "You think these guys will let that happen, Sweetie?"

Little Bird looks up at Hancock, asking, "You'll protect the space bunnies, Rookie?"

Hancock smiles and nods, "I'll do my best."

Tanya teases playfully, "I'm surprised you let a junior marine call you 'Rookie', Rex."

Hancock smirks, "Who, Little Bird? She's almost as experienced as me, so it's fair."

Tanya and Kenzie giggle. The younger woman remarks gently, "It's surprising how quiet everything is. Feels like everything else was real, and we're about to wake up into it again... but also..."

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