Mysterious Woman

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Izuku was now face to face with the Chain Vassal weapon holder as she had the chain tightly wrapped around his body. As it tightened, strange prongs continued to dig into his arm, causing it to bleed."OI! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, REDHEAD!?" Bakugou shouted as he went towards the woman to irritate her.

"Tch. So obnoxious. Binding Chains." Chains came out of the ground to wrap around class A and Mocha to trap them where they stood. "Now that the annoyance is out of the way, I can continue with my work."

"Hey! Myne was it!? What the hell do you think you're doing!? If you're a Vassal Weapon holder like you said of this world, killing me would only make the threat of the Waves a million times worse! So why are you doing this!?"

"Pfft! HAHAHAHA! And I thought you were smart enough to understand!? Leave it to that stupid idiot Shield Hero and the retarded Spear Hero to royally screw up telling you the important bit." The chain around Iuzku's arm tightened to have the spikes dig into him more. "Having the Waves become more dangerous is the idea. I'm sure you've heard of the Vanguards of the Waves at least once."

"They're some type of psychopaths that want to destroy the world from what I can tell."

"Something like that. To make things simple, I'm one of them and thanks to another member of this world, I have a weapon as well as a Curse Series that is quite fun to use." Myne used her second chain to wrap around Izuku's chest to stab into his ribcage and have smoke come off with an unbearable agony given.

Upon focusing, Izuku noticed blood start to come out of Myne's hands to show she's not immune to the effects. "If I were you, I'd stop using this Curse Series. The damage you do to me is being replicated on your hands. Easy to say that you can't handle the Curse Series as well as you'd hope."

"Maybe not on my own, but the Vanguard of this world also gave me a quirk." Myne explained as her hand began healing from the damage. "See? Almost like it never happened. Now where was I?" Myne pulled the chains to make Izuku hold back a shout in pain. "Oh yeah. Turning you into a pin cushion!"

Seeing this happen, Ochako became enraged at the sight. "LEAVE DEKU ALONE! HE'S GOT ENOUGH PROBLEMS WITHOUT SOME CRAZY WOMAN WITH A SADIST COMPLEX!" This comment irritated Myne to no end with her unwrapping the chain on Izuku's arm.

"You could've gotten off scot free, but you just had to open your mouth." She sent the chain towards Ochako with the current skill still active to keep her where she was. Knowing what they did to Izuku and it aimed at her neck, the brunette began to worry. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MISERABLE BITCH!"

Before it could hit though, Izuku went in the way for the chain to wrap around his neck and dig into it. To avoid any serious damage, Izuku gripped the chain with his bare hands for the spikes to dig into them as well. "DEKU/MIDORIYA!" Everyone shouted as they saw the sacrifice Izuku was making in order to help his friend.

"Damned fool. You're lucky I was told to bring you in alive or I'd kill you right now!"

'She starts losing control a bit when she gets mad. I can use that to my advantage.' "You wanna call my friend a bitch? The only one I see here is the one with the chains, sadist." Izuku smirked at this for a vein to be shown on Myne's face.


"I'd like to see you try." Ryukyu spoke up as she flew in with the band over her face turning into a metallic headband with a single prong on it to look like a horn. "CHARGING PIERCE!" The attack forced Myne to dodge and send her into the air. This made her attention get pulled off Izuku as he gripped both chains and began changing.

"As source of thy power, I order thee. Decipher the laws of creation and send a current of electricity to my target. Zweit Thunder Current!" The sent static shock used the chains as a current to go right at Myne and send a massive amount of electricity towards her. The resulting act forced her to shriek in pain before falling down to the floor. Thanks to her losing focus, the skill keeping everyone restrained had been freed from their restraints and prepared to join back into the fight. "Game over, lady. Give up the Vassal Weapon and come in quietly. I don't wanna do something I'd rather not."

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