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Minatozaki Hikaru | Hikaru Minatozaki
INTJ |13| 7th grade
The New Girl

Minatozaki Hikaru | Hikaru Minatozaki INTJ |13| 7th gradeThe New Girl

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Richard "Ricky" BaekINFJ |15| 9th gradeThe Boy Next Door

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Richard "Ricky" Baek
INFJ |15| 9th grade
The Boy Next Door

Sylvia "Sylvie" Ishii-PetersESFJ |13| 7th gradeThe Popular Twin

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Sylvia "Sylvie" Ishii-Peters
ESFJ |13| 7th grade
The Popular Twin

Sylvia "Sylvie" Ishii-PetersESFJ |13| 7th gradeThe Popular Twin

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Theodore "Theo" Baek
ESFP |14| 8th grade
The Skater Boy

 Theodore "Theo" Baek ESFP |14| 8th grade The Skater Boy

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The rest of the Pen15 cast as themselves


i. This story will contain some mature themes, cursing, bullying, underage drinking, underage smoking, and mild sexual themes (Will only be mentioned/talked about, no scenes actually contain the characters acting out these scenarios, they are minors. The most there will be is kissing).

ii. There is no exact faceclaim for Hikaru, you can imagine the character the way you want if you don't like the OC. Just keep in mind that the character is Japanese/POC, and this does have an affect on the plot.

iii. Ricky is a love interest for Hikaru. Not sure if they are going to end up together, we'll see as the story progresses. I'm sorry if you don't like this (I understand that some might find the 2 year age gap weird), so if you don't like this, you should click off the story right now. I might be a bit more bias to him as a love interest just warning you (Anton is fine asf, sue me 😭). As for other love interests, I'm thinking of adding Shuji to the roster. Dustin is next in line and then Alex (got conflicted feelings about these two cause they are friends with racist Brandt).

iv. The timeline will be messed up. I'll incorporate some modern elements into the story. So no, this won't be exactly accurate to the early 2000s. Also episodes might be different from the actual series. I'll be adding and taking away stuff in order to fit Hikaru and the rest of the OCs in.

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