The Heart(fluff)

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Tw: mention of Self Harm
Mention of relapses
Mention of blood
Mention of knife

I'm bored
I wish I could get paid doin this.
I'd take like requests for like 2$ and then write it hella good.
3k words atleast, I'd write anything
(But poop, piss, underage and stuff like that)
I just need to make some form of money man I'm a teen pushing 17, please y'all help a brother out.

Jakes Pov:

I've been in my room all day.

I never leave it anymore.

And if I do it's cause I'm getting food or using the bathroom.

I feel bad for Johnnie.

He's been begging me to go out but..

I just don't feel good.

I'm constantly Overwhelmed.

I'm unsure of where the feeling came from.

I'm starting to think it stemmed from my relapsed on the 4th.

It's okay.

Things will be okay.

My eyes are burning.

It's like I forget to blink.

Or maybe it's cause I'm always on my phone.

I don't get it.

I'm always on my phone but I only text like 2 people back, leaving everyone else on delivered or seen.

I feel bad about it but I'm just too unmotivated to answer.

Yesterday I had like a big mental break.

It was amazing at first until the end when I just couldn't sleep and I was alone with my thoughts.

"Ow fuck" I say as I watch a small pool of blood forms on my thumb.

I was just messing around with my pocket knife and accidentally cut myself.

It stings.

But it's okay.

I didnt mean to do it so it's not self harm.
Or at least I'm not gonna say that's a relapse.

Tara's been blowing up my phone, asking me to go out and call and do this and do that.

And I genuinely don't have the motivation to do it.

Don't get me wrong if love too.

But god I can't.

I haven't had a solid human interaction in a while.


I miss Johnnie.

He's down the Hall in his room but fuck I miss him.

I send him a message

Me: Come to my room, please

Johnnie: omw👍

I smile slightly as I hear Johnnies light footsteps trot down the Hall stopping at my door.

He opens it, peaking first and then opening it all the way.

"Hey!What's up Jake?" He asks, he seems pretty hype.

"Can you lay in here with me?" I ask nervously.

I just wanna lay with him.

Or just...


"Yeah sure, how are you?" He said crawling onto the bed and resting his back against my pillows and the headboard.

"I'm... Ill be honest I'm not good Johnnie, this has been such a shit week" I say rolling over where I'm laying in the bed instead of sitting.

Facing straight up at the ceiling.

"Talk to me, what's goin on?"

"Everything changed for me, Tara is already dating someone, It's not that I'm jealous it just, what is she doing I'm not? Like I'm so ready to move on and get out there" I said

"I get that trust me, it's a little odd, but understandable. I mean, everyone follows there heart. And right now I want you to follow yours Jake, love takes time, hell I'm still waiting" Johnnie said scooting down laying on his side and facing me giving ma a slight smile.

That smile seemed to make all my problems fade away.

It gave me hope.

Hope that there are good people in this world.

"What if my heart wants something it can't have" I said knitting my eyebrows together and pushing my lips into a thin line.

"If your heart wants it, and... Of you try hard enough. Surly soon enough you will have what youve been wanting." He said, seeming shocked by his own words of  'wisdom'.

"It's you. It always has been" I said, my heart racing.

I roll over getting out of bed.

I pinch the bridge of my nose thinking about how stupid I sound.

"Com'ere" Johnnie said, I turn and look at him.

He's sat on the edge of the bed with a hand out.

I grab his hand and he pulls me and makes me sitting on the edge of the bed beside him.

He looks at me, batting his eyes slightly.

Johnnie places a hand on my cheek, he looks nervous, he then leans in kisses me on my lips.

"Everything will be okay, I promise" He says laying his head on my shoulder.

I believe him.

780 words

I'm tired.

I want to make money doing this but ain't no one gonna pay for me to write smut or fluff or wtv
Shit I'll writ bottom Jake for money tbh.


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